Southern Pacific October 1957 Timetable

With the April 1957 timetable, Southern Pacific replaced drawings of its four leading streamliners on the back cover with a simplified map of its rail system, as shown below. A more detailed system map is still included in the centerfold.

Click image to download a 13.4-MB PDF of this 32-page timetable.

The simplified map shows a straight line from Klamath Falls to central Nevada. If realistic, it is almost as if Southern Pacific could have competed with the City of Portland by carrying passengers on its track from Portland to the Overland Route. In fact, as the centerfold map shows, that wouldn’t have been very competitive, with a line from Klamath Falls to Alturas, a line from Lakeview via Alturas to Truckee, and a line from Truckee to Fernley, just east of Reno.

The Klamath Falls-to-Alturas line didn’t open until about 1930, and the Depression would have kept SP from developing that line as a through route. The railroad briefly ran a three-day-a-week passenger train from Reno to Lakeview via Fernley and Alturas, but I don’t believe passenger trains were ever scheduled on the Klamath Falls to Alturas line.

Note: When I began posting Union Pacific timetables in October, I noted that my optical character recognition (OCR) software wasn’t working right, so UP and SP timetables posted since then could not be used with a find or copy-and-paste command. I’ve since acquired new software and today’s timetable has been OCRed, which makes it easier to find cities, trains, or other information.

I’ve also OCRed all of the timetables posted since October 1. If you wish to download the updated timetables, you can do so below. Most of them are only a little bigger than the non-OCRed versions. If I missed any, let me know and I’ll post them

Union Pacific

September 1924
June 1939
January 1954
April 1955
June 1957
June 1958
January 1959
April 1961

Southern Pacific

March 1908
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March 1934
August 1935 (Shasta)
January 1936
June 1936
September 1937
August 1938
June 1940
July 1941
December 1941
July 1943 (Peninsula)
April 1944
May 1947
January 1948
February 1949
July 1949 (Coast/San Joaquin)
October 1949
April 1950
April 1950 (Condensed)
September 1951
April 1950
April 1952
January 1954 (Coast/San Joaquin)
January 1954 (Shasta)
January 1951 (Condensed)
April 1956


Southern Pacific October 1957 Timetable — 2 Comments

  1. According to the book “The Modoc” by Bowden & Dill there was a passenger train that ran the entire line from Klamath Falls to Fernley for a few years.
    The K Falls to Alturas section opened on September 15, 1929 and the first trains ran soon after.
    The trains ran as 31 & 32 and required 9 hours and 40 minutes to travel 280 miles between K Falls and Fernley. They started out with a Portland to Ogden sleeping car in addition to coaches. This route required 23 hours more to get from Portland to Chicago then going via UP. So the pullman was dropped within a few months.
    By September 1931 the conventional passenger train had been replaced by a Brill motor car but it didn’t work out well on the grades so was replaced by a conventional train.
    Traffic was so light on the K Falls to Alturas section that the train was discontinued between those points on April 22, 1933.

  2. Bill M.,

    Thanks for that contribution. Unfortunately, the timetables I have access to are all from before September 1929 or after April 1933, so I was unable to find that information.

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