Great Salt Lake Lunch Menu

A man and two women sail an uncomfortably small boat over the Great Salt Lake. As the back of the menu notes, the lake is six to eight times as salty as the ocean, making it difficult to drown in because everything floats so high. The back of the menu explains that small boats such as the one on the cover work best on the lake because big ones ride too high and are soon wrecked.

Click image to download a 940-KB PDF of this menu.
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This menu was used on a Sam Campbell Tour, which we’ve run into before. In this case, the tour is headed to the Pacific Northwest. Lunch offers a choice of sole (what happened to mountain trout?), chicken pie, or leg of lamb with the usual trimmings.

Ruby Canyon Breakfast Menu

Ruby Canyon is one of the western-most canyons the Rio Grande Railroad passes through in the Colorado Rockies. After leaving the canyon, the railroad will cross the plains through Grand Junction before entering Utah and another chain of mountains. The back of this menu proudly notes that the railway follows the Colorado River, which carved the canyon, for almost 240 miles, “one of the longest sections of American railroad uninterruptedly co-extensive with a major river.”

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

This menu was used for a special train of New York Kiwanis Club members returning from their 1948 Los Angeles convention. The unpriced menu offers fish, omelette, or ham or bacon and eggs with the usual side dishes. Continue reading

Vanishing Americans

Here is an unusual version of one of Rio Grande’s glued-on menu series. Instead of putting the name of the meal on the top of the front cover, this one has the name of the train, the Prospector. The cover photo shows a herd of bison in Genesee Park, a Denver city park that is located in the mountains about 18 miles outside of Denver’s city limits.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this five-page document.
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This menu has no date, but it lists “H.L. Scofield” as the Rio Grande’s passenger traffic manager. Looking at other menus, he has that title on a July 1947 menu but by November 1947 he was replaced by “H.F. Eno.” Since 1946 menus come with a statement assuring the public that the railroad is complying with wartime price restrictions, this menu must have been issued in 1947 before H.L. Scofield left this position.

Colorado Railroad Postcards

Before the Moffat Tunnel opened in 1928, the Denver & Salt Lake Railway crossed the Rockies over Rollins Pass, which was more than 11,600 feet in elevation. Ascending and descending the pass required numerous tunnels, trestles, 180-degree curves, and at least one location where the railroad looped over itself, as shown in the postcard below. This was known as Rifle Sight Notch, and the trestle still exists, though the tunnel has been filled for safety reasons.

Click image to download a 306-KB PDF of this postcard.

This card was postmarked Granby, Colorado. The date is partially obscured but it appears to be August, 190?. Divided-back postcards like this one were first used in 1907, so the card must be from 1907-1908. Written to someone in Kansas, the card’s message simply says, “passed through lots of snow today.” Workers on the Rollins Pass route were known to say the area had two seasons, winter and August. Apparently, winter could even extend into August. Continue reading

Baneberry and Chickweed Menu

Here’s a 1966 Denver Zephyr dinner menu we haven’t seen before. This one has a painting of “Baneberry — flower and berry — and Chickweed” on the front cover and one of “Columbine and Deer Vine” on the back. We’ve previously seen a 1962 menu that had the same two paintings reversed: columbine on the front and baneberry on the back.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.

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Chef’s Suggestion

Slightly smaller than a postcard and printed on similar material, this card must have been placed on dining tables rather than inserted into menus, as inserts tended to be flimsier. The menu offers a meal of roast beef hash, noodles, and peas, which doesn’t really sound like the kind of thing that a real chef would suggest.

Click image to download a 180-KB PDF of this menu card.
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The lower left corner has the numbers “21-22” and “1/65.” The latter indicates the card was used in early 1965 and the former are the numbers of Burlington’s Morning Zephyrs between Chicago and the Twin Cities. In 1965, the Morning Zephyrs left their terminal cities at around 8 am and arrived at their destinations at 2:50 pm, so these cards must have been used for the lunch meal.

Butter and Eggs Asters Wild Pinks Menu

As I’ve noted before, when the Budd Company built the 1956 Denver Zephyr, it hired the Paul Crét architectural firm to design the interiors, which in turn commissioned Kathryn Fligg (now Kathryn Fligg Lee) to do 115 paintings of wildflowers that were used to decorate the bedrooms and drawing rooms (but not roomettes) on the train. Burlington printed some of these paintings on the fronts and backs of Denver Zephyr dinner menus.

Click image to download a 1.7-MB PDF of this menu.

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Vista-Dome Bouquets

“The nicest train I have ever ridden on,” “the most pleasant railroad trip ever experienced,” and “the wonderful smooth feeling of flying through space” are just a few of the “voluntary expressions of commendation” for the first vista-dome train reprinted in this brochure. Burlington inaugurated the vista-dome Twin Zephyrs on December 19, 1947, and the only dated comment in this brochure is from a December 30, 1947 newspaper article, so it is a good bet that Burlington issued this brochure in early 1948.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this brochure.

The enthusiastically gushing comments remind us of just how revolutionary the dome cars were in the 1940s. Not only did they offer incredible views, several correspondents noted their “unusual quietness” which created a “sense of gliding on air.” The Santa Fe Hi-Level cars were also very quiet, a result of having two floors insulating the passengers from track noises. Continue reading

Through the Buffalo Bill Country

We’ve previously seen Burlington booklets advertising the Cody Road entrance into Yellowstone Park from 1917, 1937, and 1946. This one happens to be from 1930.

Click image to download a 5.1-MB PDF of this 12-page booklet.
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This booklet shares many of the photos from the 1937 booklet and even a few from the 1946 booklet, by which time the automobiles shown in the photos had long been out of style. Apparently, the gravel roads shown in the 1917 booklet were still at least partly unpaved by 1946. That probably was corrected soon after the war. Although the 1937 booklet has two color photos on the cover and an odd, aquamarine color for highlights on the inside, I prefer the sepia/orange tones on this one, partly because the colors in the 1937 cover photos don’t really match reality.

Burlington Route Glacier Park Postcards

Although Burlington trains didn’t come any closer to Glacier Park than Billings, about 400 miles away, it issued a number of postcards advertising Glacier. Of course, the Great Northern, which did go to Glacier, owned nearly half of the Burlington. We’ve previously seen a Burlington postcard showing Morning Eagle Falls. Here are two more.

Click image to download a 211-KB PDF of this postcard.

Today’s postcards show different views of Going-to-the-Sun Chalet on St. Mary Lake. The 1912 chalet was built as a part of Great Northern’s series of hotels, chalets, and camps throughout the park. It and several other chalets were demolished after World War II, probably because the opening of the Going-to-the-Sun Road meant that they were by-passed by most tourists. “Prior to the construction of the road, visitors would need to spend several days traveling through the central part of the park,” says Wikipedia, “an area which can now be traversed within a few hours.” Continue reading