Western Pacific April 1954 Timetable

While the timetable schedules didn’t change between 1950 and 1952, there are some changes in today’s 1954 timetable. The eastbound California Zephyr operated 30 minutes later and the westbound 30 minutes earlier in 1954 than in 1952. The eastbound Zephyrette operated three hours earlier, while westbound it was only a few minutes earlier.

Click image to download a 4.0-MB PDF of this 8-page timetable.

One minor point to note is that Western Pacific didn’t print the effective date of these timetables on the cover. This wouldn’t matter if the times didn’t change but it could be important when they did. The date of each timetable was listed inside, but the location wasn’t consistent. In 1952, for example, it was on page 6, while in 1954 it was on page 3. This could lead to confusion and I’d be surprised if some passengers didn’t miss trains because they were unknowingly using out-of-date timetables.

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