Crater Lake Moderne Menu

Here’s another menu in the Union Pacific Moderne series with a cover that is carried over from the Art Nouveau series. The front cover photo is credited to Prentiss, referring to Arthur Prentiss (1865-1941), a Portland photographer who documented early highway construction in Oregon and other industrial activities. In 1921, UP apparently published a book of his photos titled Outings in the Pacific Northwest, but I haven’t found a copy.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.

I am always disappointed that few photos of Crater Lake show the grandeur of the entire lake, but until recently hardly anyone owned panoramic cameras or had lenses wide enough to take in the entire lake. Such a panoramic photo would have been perfect for UP’s post-war wraparound photo menus, but as far as I can determine none of them showed Crater Lake. The lake, after all, was more in Southern Pacific territory than the Union Pacific’s. Continue reading

Union Pacific Moderne Orange Groves Menu

We’ve seen this cover illustration before on one of Union Pacific’s Art Nouveau menus from 1934. In 1935, UP redesigned its menus in what I call the Moderne series using the illustrations and text from the Art Nouveau series. Although I’ve identified 17 Art Nouveau menu covers, until now I’ve found only six of those illustrations on Moderne menus. This would be the seventh.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.
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Also up until now, all of the Moderne series menus that I have are dated 1935, but this one was used in 1936 for a Shriner’s group, specifically the Almas Temple in Washington DC. The group was probably heading for a convention on the West Coast. This July 17 dinner menu gave the Shriner’s a choice of trout, chicken, lamb, or cold meats.

More El Escalante Hotel Menus

The El Escalante Hotel menus shown in the last two days, whose covers we hadn’t seen before, came with these three menus whose covers we have seen before. I’m including with them the envelope that could have been used (but wasn’t) to mail them in.

Click image to download a 420-KB PDF of this menu.

Most of these menus are spaced several days apart. The two days ago was dated June 3, 1928; yesterday’s was June 7; the above menu is June 16; and the two below are June 19. I wonder if the person who collected them worked at the hotel or possibly was a tour guide whose circuit took him or her back to the hotel every few days. Continue reading

East Temple & Twin Brothers Menu

Here’s another menu in Union Pacific’s lodge series that we haven’t seen before. This one depicts a scene in Zion National Park. As with yesterday’s photo, the colors are completely off; here’s a more realistic view of the mountains from a slightly different angle.

Click image to download a 359-KB PDF of this menu.
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This brings the total number of menus that I’ve identified in this series to eleven. I’m inclined to think there were more, if only because I don’t like the idea that the number would be prime. The mimeographed dinner menu on the back of this card is dated June 7 and offers salmon, chicken, veal, minute steak, prime ribs, or cold meats with the usual trimmings for the $1.50 (about $23 in today’s money) as yesterday.

El Escalante Hotel Dinner Menu

This menu was used at Union Pacific’s Cedar City lodgings where many visitors to southern Utah parks spent their first night after getting off a train. UP had built a 33-mile branch line to Cedar City specifically to serve tourist traffic to the parks in 1923. In 1928, when this menu was issued, travelers from the east arrived in the morning and probably went straight to the parks, but travelers from the west arrived in the evening and so probably spent the night at the hotel.

Click image to download a 394-KB PDF of this menu.

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UP/C&NW 1927 Alaska Tours

Union Pacific’s 1927 Summer Tours booklet says that tours to the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and the Canadian Rockies were “described in a separate booklet.” This is that separate booklet. Although the front cover says only “Alaska,” page 2 adds the Northwest and Canadian Rockies.

Click image to download a 4.8-MB PDF of this 12-page booklet.

The booklet actually describes only one tour, which went from Chicago to Portland to Tacoma by train, then spent two days in Mount Rainier National Park and a day each in Seattle, Victoria, and Vancouver (taking Canadian Pacific steamships between these cities). This was followed by a three-day Canadian National steamship voyage from Vancouver to Skagway. From there, passengers took the White Pass train to Carcross and a White Pass steamboat trip to Tagish Lake. Continue reading

Colorado Is the Playground of America

“This statement,” says this booklet underneath the above headline, “made by a prominent American, happily expresses the popularity of the Centennial State with tourist and traveler.” It is somewhat mind-boggling how much railroad advertising aimed at getting people to visit Colorado.

Click image to download a 14.4-MB PDF of this 44-page booklet.

I’ve suggested before that this is partly due to the large number of railroads that terminated in Colorado, including CB&Q, CRI&P, and MP. But it was also because the various mining railroads had made Colorado’s scenic wonders far more accessible to early 20th century tourists than equally wondrous places in states like Arizona, Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming. Continue reading

1913 Summer Vacation Tours

Yesterday’s 1911 Summer Tours booklet included six hand-colored lithographic photos. This one has eight, enough to have a photo on almost every other spread. One of the photos, of Yosemite Park’s El Capitan, was also in the 1911 booklet; the others are new.

Click image to download a 13.2-MB PDF of this 38-page booklet.

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Summer Vacation Tours, 1911

Until finding this booklet, the earliest Union Pacific/C&NW summer tours booklet I’ve seen is one from 1922. However, that one says that the railroads had been organizing escorted tours for 22 years. This booklet is dated 1911, and says it is the “Eleventh successful season of Tours Department of the Chicago-Union Pacific and North Western Line,” which is what the two railroads called their tour company.

Click image to download a 14.8-MB PDF of this 42-page booklet.

The first special thing about this booklet is that the circular image on the cover is actually on the title page, while the cover has a circular hole cut into it to make the image visible. Although it looks like a full-color image, I’m pretty sure it was printed with only blue and reddish-brown ink. Continue reading

Streamliner Technology: Paint

I’ve previously written about the technologies that made streamliners possible, including Diesels, metallurgy, and air conditioning. One other technology worth mentioning is the paint or, more specifically, the lacquers that gave most streamliners their bright colors and brand identities. Even most stainless steel streamliners, except those of the Burlington and the Flying Yankee, were led by locomotives painted in bright colors.

Click image for a larger view.

In 1909, Henry Ford famously announced that any Model T buyer “can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.” His decision to use just one color was part of his quest to make his cars as affordable as possible. Within a few years, Ford was making more than half the cars sold in America. Continue reading