Trail of the Olympian 1930

Here is the 1930 edition of the booklets from 1913 and 1925 that we saw a few days ago. This one has a much more attractive front cover than the 1925 edition, but the interior pages are not as nicely printed. The photographs are a bit muddy, and the slight sepia tone makes them look a little washed out.

Click image to download a 11.2-MB PDF of this 44-page booklet.

Unlike the previous editions, which were copyrighted in the name of the St. Paul road’s passenger traffic manager, this one has no copyright. It has nearly the same text on pages 5 and 6 as the 1925 edition with only a few minor changes. Continue reading

Grand Canyon • Zion • Bryce by C&NW

Here’s another in the same series of booklets shown in the last four days that is probably modeled on a prewar Union Pacific booklet. Though this one is dated 1951, the same as yesterday’s about Yellowstone, it has some significant updates from whatever was probably included in the older UP booklet.

Click image to download an 14.6-MB PDF of this 32-page booklet.

First, the front cover shown above really is the front cover of the booklet, not the back cover. Second, the booklet has only 32 pages instead of the 36 found on the previous ones. Most important, this booklet has 15 color photos in addition to the two on the front cover. Bryce, Zion, and the Grand Canyon are much more impressive if shown in color instead of the black-and-white used in the previous booklets. Finally, a couple of the maps are also in color.
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Yellowstone by Chicago & North Western

Unlike the booklets from last three days, we’ve haven’t seen this one before. But since it advertises a region accessed by Union Pacific, no doubt there is a version with Union Pacific’s name on the cover instead of C&NW. Also unlike the previous three, this one is dated 1951 instead of 1947.

Click image to download an 15.0-MB PDF of this 36-page booklet.

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California by Chicago & North Western

Like the booklets from yesterday and the day before, we’ve seen this one before, only the previous one was marked for Union Pacific instead of Chicago and North Western System and was dated 1945 while this one is 1947.

Click image to download an 19.0-MB PDF of this 36-page booklet.

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Pacific Northwest and Alaska via C&NW

Like yesterday’s booklet, we’ve seen this one before, only the previous one was marked for Union Pacific instead of Chicago and North Western System and was dated 1945 while this one is 1947.

Click image to download an 18.0-MB PDF of this 36-page booklet.

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Colorado by Chicago & North Western

We’ve seen this booklet before, only the previous one was marked for “The Progressive Union Pacific” while this is “Chicago and North Western System.” The UP edition appears to be dated 1941 while this one is from 1947.

Click image to download an 17.5-MB PDF of this 36-page booklet.

Other than the railroad names and logos, the differences between the two booklets are minor. The first 31 pages in particular are nearly identical, while the list of hotels on pages 32 and 33 has been updated. Page 34 lists the railroads’ ticket agents and these are, of course, different, while the system maps on page 35 are quite different. Continue reading

Scenic Features and Commercial Advantages

In the nineteenth century, railroads were more interested in attracting settlers to the regions they served so they would have some customers for goods the settlers grew, made, or needed. By the twentieth century, railroad advertising was transitioning to focus on scenic wonders and vacation paradises. This 1909 booklet is from the transition period so advertises both scenery and the potential for settlement, but the emphasis is definitely on the latter.

Click image to download a 16.2-MB PDF of this 58-page booklet.

Slightly more than the first half of the booklet discusses the production of fruit, grain, vegetables, livestock, timber, and minerals, though the text is interspersed with photos of waterfalls, rivers, and other scenery. Much of the remainder discusses the Columbia Gorge, scenic waterways, and the region’s major cities. Continue reading

The Streamlined 400

Using steam locomotives and heavyweight cars, the Chicago & Northwestern introduced the 400 in 1935 to compete with the Burlington Twin Zephyrs on the Chicago-Twin Cities route. In 1939, it re-equipped the train with Diesels and streamlined cars.

Click image to download a 226-KB PDF of this postcard.

These postcards were issued to advertise the new train, so I’m dating them to 1939. The first one declares that the coaches provided “comfort to the point of luxury!” Continue reading

Trail of the Olympian 1925

The 1925 edition of Trail of the Olympian was substantially different from yesterday’s 1913 edition. The bright yellow covers were replaced with a dreary brown that attempted to feature the electrification that had taken place between the two editions. Inside, the title page illustration of a waterfall was replaced with the railway’s logo.

Click image to download a 13.6-MB PDF of this 44-page booklet.

Inside, the two pages of text have been completely rewritten. Only six of the 34 photos in 1913 edition were also used in the 1925 version, though a couple of other photos show the same scenes from slightly different angle. Several of the new photos feature the electrified Olympian in the Rockies and Cascades. Continue reading

Trail of the Olympian 1913

The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway produced this booklet, or one like it, for about 20 years. The earliest I have seen was from 1911; the latest from 1930. The booklets had 34 black-and-white photos that tended to change over the years. It is likely that the railroad charged a small price, say 25 or 50 cents (about $7 to $14 in today’s money), but there are no prices on the booklets I have seen.

Click image to download a 13.7-MB PDF of this 44-page booklet. has the 1912 version. It is almost identical to this one. I’ve found only two differences: first, the title page in the 1912 version has the name of two railroads — Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound — while the 1913 edition only has the first name; and second, the list of passenger agents in the back has some different names. Continue reading