More El Escalante Hotel Menus

The El Escalante Hotel menus shown in the last two days, whose covers we hadn’t seen before, came with these three menus whose covers we have seen before. I’m including with them the envelope that could have been used (but wasn’t) to mail them in.

Click image to download a 420-KB PDF of this menu.

Most of these menus are spaced several days apart. The two days ago was dated June 3, 1928; yesterday’s was June 7; the above menu is June 16; and the two below are June 19. I wonder if the person who collected them worked at the hotel or possibly was a tour guide whose circuit took him or her back to the hotel every few days.

Click image to download a 407-KB PDF of this menu.

This menu is the only lunch menu in the bunch. The entrées were halibut, mutton, veal kidney pie, prime ribs, and cold ox tongue. At 75¢ (about $11.50 today), lunch was half the price of dinner.
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Click image to download a 440-KB PDF of this menu.

The colors on this menu card are more realistic than most of the others. Here’s my own photo of this spot that I was fortunate enough to take when there was a little snow in the scene. UP once had some day-facilities at Cedar Breaks, but the Park Service demolished them in the 1970s.

Click image to download a 319-KB PDF of this envelope.

Finally, here is the Utah Parks envelope that came with these menu cards and could have been used to mail cards to friends.

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