1967 Pacific Grove Breakfast Menu

This cover photo looks very similar to the one on yesterday’s menu. But Pacific Grove is more than 350 miles north of Laguna Beach; the former being a little south of San Jose while the latter is a little south of Los Angeles. Pacific Grove is unusual for California in that much of its ocean front is in public parks rather than being lined with private homes. The location of this photo is Perkins Park, named after Hayes Perkins, who originally planted the flowers in the picture.

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This is another City of Los Angeles non-dinner menu with plenty of a la carte items that weren’t found on the train’s dinner menus at the time. I count over a dozen a la carte entrées plus fruits, cereals, breads, and hash brown or fried potatoes.

1967 Laguna Beach Dinner Menu

This City of Los Angeles menu has a beautiful cover photo showing an ocean-front garden in Southern California. Despite Google maps, I haven’t succeeded in finding the exact location of the photo, but I suspect it is in the northern part of Laguna Beach, such as Cameo Cove or Emerald Cove.

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Like many of the dinner menus we’ve seen since 1958, the menu itself has only table d’hôte offerings, including salmon, lamb chops, veal, chicken, and steak. A smaller menu card may have also offered a chef’s salad.

1966 MacArthur Park Breakfast Menu

This view of MacArthur Park is from the opposite direction of the one on the cover of the 1955 menu presented here a couple of weeks ago. Cars shown on the 1955 menu were from the 1930s and 1940s; cars on this menu are from the 1950s. Union Pacific evidently didn’t try to keep up with the times when it came to automobiles. This cover is unusual in having a headline over the text to the left of the photo instead of the usual graphic.

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This City of Los Angeles menu has many of the same a la carte items as yesterday’s lunch menu, including Pacific Coast fish, trout, and lamb chops. Yet the City of Los Angeles‘s dinner menus continued to have only table d’hôte meals. How could UP offer these items for breakfast and lunch but not for dinner?.

1965 Sun Valley Horses Lunch Menu

Issued in October, 1965, for the City of Los Angeles, this lunch menu–unlike some of the dinner menus–still had an extensive a la carte side along with five complete meals (though not table d’hôte) on the other side. The meals included fried shrimp, hot roast beef sandwich, chicken ala king, fruit & cottage cheese, and the chef’s salad.

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The a la carte side had “Pacific Coast fish” (which could mean a lot of things), trout, lamb chops, various egg dishes, seven sandwiches, three salads, and a cold salmon plate. Most of the salads and sandwiches came with bread and a beverage.

1965 Sun Valley Dinner Menu

Here we have a dinner menu that has both a la carte and table d’hôte sides. But it was used on the City of St. Louis, a train that had a diner but no cafe car.

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However, the number of entrées on both sides of the menu has still been pared down from earlier years. The table d’hôte side has the usual salmon, lamb chops, prime rib, and sirloin steak, but is missing a fifth entrée such as chicken or ham. The a la carte side has just two sandwiches and four salads including the chef’s salad.

1965 Sun Valley Golf Cafe Menu

Here’s a coffee shop dinner menu that was issued for the City of Los Angeles in 1965. Like yesterday’s menu, half of this one is devoted to beverages and fountain service. The other half lists four table d’hôte meals and an a la carte list that is somewhat longer than yesterday’s.

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While yesterday’s menu had six sandwiches and four salads, this one has eight sandwiches and five salads. But yesterday’s had, in addition to the a la carte, three “special suggestions” including hot roast beef sandwich, beans and Frankfurters, and a hamburger with French fries. The last is one of the sandwiches on today’s menu, but the other two are gone. All in all, between the diner with no a la carte and the cafe car, there is less variety on these menus than there was on the pre-1958 dinner menus such as this one.

1961 Monterey Coast Cafe Menu

Yesterday, we had a 1960 menu with no a la carte section, and I suggested that passengers who wanted a la carte meals were probably directed to the cafe car. If this menu is anything to go by, they might be disappointed there as well. Half the menu is devoted to beverages and ice cream while half the remainder has table d’hôte and other full meals, leaving only a small space for a few sandwiches and other a la carte items.

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The fine print suggests that this menu was used on train 7 & 8, an unnamed train that went between Omaha and Ogden, connecting with a Milwaukee Road train in Omaha, the Portland Rose in Green River, and unnamed Los Angeles-Ogden train 5 & 6 in Ogden. This train did not carry a diner but had a cafe-lounge car with “moderately priced meal service,” which actually makes this menu even more disappointing. We’ve seen a City of Los Angeles 1959 coffee shop dinner menu, and it had only a few more selections than this one.

1960 Fisherman’s Wharf Dinner Menu

Like yesterday’s menu, the color photo on this one doesn’t wrap around to the back cover. Even more peculiar, we’ve seen very same photo in a wrap-around version on menus from 1947 and 1950. The photo captions are identical, meaning this menu just has more white space on the back. At least two other menus also did not use wrap-around photos.

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Inside is another variation that we’ve previously seen on two dinner menus from 1958: the deletion of the a la carte side. This menu offers six complete meals: salmon, beef casserole, chicken, ham, chef’s salad, and steak, but nary an a la carte item other than bottles of red or white California wine. Presumably, those who wanted a la carte service were directed to the cafe car.

1960 Columbia Gorge Lunch Menu

Another menu cover that we’ve seen before in a 1954 breakfast edition. This one is a lunch menu whose menu items are identical to yesterday’s.

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The question I didn’t ask last time this cover appeared here was: Why didn’t Union Pacific wrap the photograph around the cover as it did for almost every other color photo menu of the 1950s? The photo was taken from the Vista House at Crown Point, which offers views of more than 270 degrees, only about 45 degrees of which appear in the photo.

1960 Lake Washington Lunch Menu

This is one of the few Union Pacific menus that features Seattle, Washington, which wasn’t on the route of any “city” streamliners. The only other menu with a Seattle connection has the administration building for the University of Washington. This is also one of the few Union Pacific menus that feature highway bridges; the others, of course, have the Golden Gate and San Francisco Bay bridges. While those bridges are icons for their region, the Lake Washington floating bridge, though interesting from an engineering view, is visually unimpressive.

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The “luncheon suggestions” (complete meals with bread, dessert, and beverage, but no longer table d’hôte) include black cod and boiled potatoes for $2; “chef’s special casserole” with mashed potatoes for $1.80; shirred eggs with mushrooms for $1.85; club sandwich for $2.10; and chef’s salad for $1.85. Multiply by about 6.5 to convert to today’s dollars. There is also an extensive a la carte selection.