Missouri Pacific April 1953 Timetable

The page before the centerfold map provides a brief history of Tennessee, together with a collage of colored illustrations about the state that is unfortunately unsigned. Missouri Pacific served only one city in Tennessee, the “great gateway city of Memphis,” but that was enough for the state to be counted as one of the eleven states that form a part of MP’s “West-Southwest.”

Click image to download a 36.5-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

The page after the centerfold map advertises the planetarium dome cars that Missouri Pacific ran on the Colorado Eagle, Texas Eagle, and Missouri River Eagle. Although the Texas Eagle had sections going to Galveston and San Antonio, the equipment listing on panel 12 indicates that the dome car only went between Fort Worth and St. Louis.

The inside back cover is freight schedules while the back cover itself is an ad for MP freight service. This was accompanied by a cartoonish picture of an elephant, giraffe, and crocodile happily riding an MP flat car.

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