Wabash April 1950 Timetable

Issued just two months after yesterday’s timetable, this one is practically identical including all of the ads. The scheduled times for a few trains changed, mostly by just 10 or 15 minutes but in one or two cases by a half hour.

Click image to download an 11.3-MB PDF of this 20-page timetable.

The biggest change in the condensed timetables was in the St. Louis-Kansas City route, which was served by the City of St. Louis (which went on to the West Coast via Union Pacific), the City of Kansas City, and the overnight Midnight Special. The February timetable showed a fourth train that went between St. Louis and Moberly. This was the train that went on to Omaha and Des Moines.

For some reason, that train was removed from today’s St. Louis-Kansas City condensed timetable, yet the train still ran. Yesterday, I noted that it operated as a single train from St. Louis to Moberly, then split to go to Omaha and Des Moines, while the return trains from Omaha and Des Moines operated separately all the way into St. Louis. In today’s timetable, the eastbound trains more sensibly merged in Moberly and arrived in St. Louis together. In addition, the trains lost the cafe car that was listed for them in the February timetable.

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