Santa Fe April 1961 System Timetable

This is the last of the Santa Fe timetables whose scans were contributed by a Streamliner Memories reader. This is the same reader who also contributed most of the Union Pacific timetables presented here in October and all of the Southern Pacific timetables presented here between October 29 and December 27. That’s more than 75 timetables in all.

Click image to download a 20.1-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

I much appreciate these contributions as they provide vital historic information. As readers know, I’ve used timetables to help date various other publications, identify when certain trains were inaugurated and terminated, and see how the railroads responded to declining passenger ridership after World War II. I hope you find them useful as well.

Santa Fe Spring 1960 System Timetable

One of Santa Fe’s busiest passenger corridors was between Chicago and Kansas City. The 1953 timetable showed nine departures a day. By 1960, it was down to six.

Click image to download a 29.0-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.
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The California Limited was gone but was replaced by the San Francisco Chief. The Kansas Citian was merged with the Chief from Chicago to Kansas City. A motorcar from Chicago to Pekin, Illinois had disappeared. Finally, the Super Chief and El Capitan were merged into one train.

Santa Fe Spring 1959 Traveler’s Timetable

Sometime between yesterday’s 1957 timetable and this one, the Grand Canyon lost its Amarillo section. The left the San Francisco Chief as the only train to serve Santa Fe’s southern corridor.

Click image to download a 12.1-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

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Santa Fe April 1957 System Timetable

While trains like the Scout and California Limited had disappeared from Santa Fe timetables in the late 1950s, the railway still had an amazing number of trains serving branch lines. A Texas city of about 55,000 people (in 1957) called San Angelo was a particular hub of activity.

Click image to download a 32.8-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.
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According to this timetable, daily trains went from San Angelo to Dallas and Fort Worth; Brownwood and Temple; and Kiowa, Kansas. Santa Fe also had branches from San Angelo south to a town called Sonora and southwest to Presidio, on the Mexican border, and provided passenger service in mixed trains to those cities at least as late as 1953. By 1957, however, it only operated freight service on those routes.

Santa Fe May 1956 System Timetable

This timetable is for May 14 to October 28, and the big news during that time period was the introduction of the hi-level El Capitan on July 15. Although this is noted in the listings of equipment on page 7, there are no advertisements or pictures of the new equipment, which was the most important advance in long-distance passenger-car technology since the development of the dome car.

Click image to download a 32.3-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

Instead, the full-page ad on the back cover is an updated version of the list of trains with dining car services that first appeared in the 1948 timetable (or possibly one the year before). This ad also lists Fred Harvey restaurants and hotels and was probably placed more as a courtesy to Fred Harvey than to inform passengers about dining car services. Continue reading

Santa Fe June 1954 Traveler’s Timetable

Just as the Scout disappeared from the January 1954, timetable, the California Limited is gone from this one. It’s actual last run was June 15, 1955, 9 days after this timetable went into effect. In its place was the San Francisco Chief, which began operating on June 6, the date of this timetable. Like the California Limited in the January 1954 timetable, the San Francisco Chief went over Santa Fe’s southern or Amarillo route.

Click image to download a 12.0-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

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Santa Fe January 1954 Traveler’s Timetable

Santa Fe had two transcontinental routes, one through Raton Pass and one through Amarillo. As mentioned yesterday, the Scout was discontinued as a Chicago-Los Angeles train in 1948, but the name continued to be applied to what amounts to the Amarillo section of the California Limited, which went over Raton Pass. However, that ended with this timetable, which went into effect on January 10, 1954, so the last runs of the Scout probably left on January 9.

Click image to download a 11.2-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

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Santa Fe April 1952 Traveler’s Timetable

The Scout was Santa Fe’s economy train, competing with the Challenger between Chicago and Los Angeles. According to one web site, the Scout was discontinued in 1948, while Wikipedia says it survived until 1954 — which someone marked as “dubious.”

Click image to download a 11.6-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

In fact, trains 1 & 2, the Scout, between Chicago and Los Angeles, was discontinued 1948. The name, however, survived as a Newton, Kansas-Belen, New Mexico train, numbered 105 & 106, until 1954. These traveler’s editions listed it as a through Chicago-Albuquerque train, but it was through cars running on four different trains. Continue reading

Santa Fe June 1951 Traveler’s Timetable

A couple of days ago, I mentioned the complicated, six-train routing of Santa Fe passengers between New Orleans and California. Another complicated route was trains between Denver and just about anywhere else. Contrary to what you might think, Santa Fe train numbers 1 and 2 were not assigned to the Super Chief or another famous transcontinental train but were reserved for the Centennial State, which went all of 56 miles between Santa Fe’s mainline at La Junta and Pueblo, where they met unnamed trains 101 and 102, which continued to and from Denver.

Click image to download a 12.9-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

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Santa Fe September 1950 Traveler’s Timetable

The traveler’s timetable format presented yesterday must have been popular as Santa Fe expanded it from 28 to 36 pages in 1950. The only new train is a Raton Pass section of the Grand Canyon, which previously had taken the Amarillo route. In 1950, the westbound train split in Kansas City, with one portion going via Amarillo and the other via Raton Pass. The latter was scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles 15 minutes sooner than the Amarillo section.

Click image to download a 12.0-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.
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The other six new pages list railroad and Pullman fares, which previously had been found only in the full timetables. Because the pages in this version of Santa Fe timetables are only half as big as in the system timetables, they are just a little more than one-third of the size of the full timetables and thus saved a proportional amount in printing.