Santa Fe July 1949 Traveler’s Timetable

Yesterday, I noted that the 1948 Santa Fe timetable eliminated 12 pages of condensed schedules that had been in earlier editions. In their place, Santa Fe published this “traveler’s edition” that consisted of individual timetables for each of 23 different trains. These included all the big-name trains as well as shorter routes such as Kansas City-Denver and Clovis-Carlsbad.

Click image to download a 9.6-MB PDF of this 28-page timetable.

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Santa Fe April 1948 Timetable

Sometime between 1946 and 1948, Santa Fe replaced its blue-and-white cover featuring the Grand Canyon with this more colorful but less scenic picture featuring “Chico,” the little boy adopted as a mascot by Santa Fe after the war. The exuberant 68-page timetable of 1946 has also shrunk to just 52 pages by 1948.

Click image to download a 35.2-MB PDF of this 52-page timetable.
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Part of the shrinkage is the deletion of four pages of maps. But the main part is due to a reorganization of the timetable. Where the first half of the 1946 timetables included 18 pages of condensed schedules of all major trains while the detailed timetables were in the second half, this one focuses on just the detailed timetables and includes just six pages of condensed schedules.

Diego Rivera 1946 Dinner Menu

As an outspoken member of the Communist Party, Diego Rivera and his art became controversial in the United States. But in September 1946, when Fred Harvey issued this menu for its restaurant at St. Louis Union Station, the Cold War hadn’t really begun and many still thought of the Soviet Union as wartime allies.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

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Santa Fe March 1946 Timetable

At 68 pages, this is the largest Santa Fe timetable I’ve seen. Compared with the 64-page, pre-war timetables, the extra pages include advertisements, “miscellaneous information,” and one more page of sample fares.

Click image to download a 45.7-MB PDF of this 68-page timetable.
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The back cover ad is a rather complicated listing of which trains offered dining car service over which portions of their routes. Apparently, in 1946 Santa Fe still didn’t have enough dining cars to accompany all trains the full length of their trips. Using the dining cars during just part of the trips saved money on fuel (and the cost of dining cars), but the time switching dining cars into and out of trains added to trip times, making trains less competitive with driving.

California Picture Book: 1940

After the Grand Canyon, California must have been Santa Fe’s leading tourist destination, yet we’ve previously seen only one Santa Fe booklet dedicated to that state, from 1938. This one is from two years later, and other than the cover the main difference is that a full-page photo of a southern California orange grove has been replaced with a photo of the newly completed Bay Bridge and a couple of reminders that the Golden Gate Exposition would “open again in 1940.”

Click image to download a 22.6-MB PDF of this 48-page booklet.
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In both editions, two pages of text introducing readers to California were written by John Steven McGroarty (1862-1944). Born in Pennsylvania, he moved to California in 1901 and worked as a writer. He wrote several books and a play about California history and was elected to Congress twice in the 1930s, where he introduced a proposal for an early version of social security. His flowery prose probably seemed quaint in 1940; today it is completely dated.

Santa Fe June 1939 Timetable

The Santa Fe didn’t add any grand new streamliners in mid-1939. Instead, the back cover of this timetable advertises “new faster summer schedules” for its transcontinental heavyweight trains: the California Limited, Grand Canyon, and Navajo.

Click image to download a 40.9-MB PDF of this 64-page timetable.
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They were only a little faster, however. Santa Fe shaved 10 minutes off the schedule of the westbound California Limited; the eastbound schedule was unchanged. It cut a whopping 5 minutes from the westbound Grand Canyon; again, eastbound was unchanged. The Navajo schedules are completely different, with mid-day instead of morning departures from Chicago and LA. The revised schedule saves about 10 minutes westbound but take a lot more time eastbound to allow the train to arrive in Chicago at the crack of dawn instead of several hours earlier.

Santa Fe April 1938 Timetable

The cover of this timetable claims that Santa Fe had the nation’s largest fleet of streamlined trains in 1938. These included two Super Chiefs, two new El Capitans, six trains for the streamlined Chief, two trains for the Chicagoan/Kansas Citian, and the San Diegan.

Click image to download a 44.6-MB PDF of this 64-page timetable.

The El Capitans began operating as five-car trains on February 22, 1938. It and the still-unstreamlined Scout are advertised on page 14 of this timetable. Also on February 22, the Chief was partly streamlined, though it would not be fully streamlined for several more years. Continue reading

Santa Fe July 1937 Timetable

The economy was recovering from the Great Depression, so Santa Fe increased the size of its system timetables from 48 pages in 1936 to 64 pages in 1937. Much of the added space is devoted to ads.

Click image to download a 44.8-MB PDF of this 64-page timetable.

Pages 6 and 8 include a page-and-a-half of ads for Santa Fe-Fred Harvey meal service; yesterday’s 1936 timetable only had a half page. The other half of page 8 shows the profile of Santa Fe routes over the mountains. Continue reading

Santa Fe September 1936 Timetable

The new Scout “is extremely fast,” says the full-page ad on the back cover of this timetable, taking “less than 61 hours en route” from Chicago to Los Angeles. Considering that the front cover of the timetable points out that the Super Chief took less than 40 hours to make the same trip, 61 hours hardly seems “extremely fast.”

Click image to download a 38.6-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

The Scout, which offered coaches and tourist sleepers, was aimed at “those who must budget expense carefully,” the ad observes. Among the amenities listed for the train were “free drinking cups,” suggesting that the ad writers were stretching to find any amenities at all. Continue reading

Santa Fe May 1935 Timetable

Until I read the full-page ad on the back cover of this timetable, I had forgotten, or maybe never knew, that San Diego held an international exposition in 1935. Like Chicago in 1933 and New York and San Francisco in 1939, San Diego hoped that an expo would help drag it out of depths of the Depression. Like San Francisco’s 1939 Golden Gate Expo, the San Diego fair was held over for a second year.

Click image to download a 35.3-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.
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Like the Panama-California Expo held just two decades before, the California Pacific Expo took place in Balboa Park. The largest exhibit was the Ford Motor Company’s building, celebrating the development of the automobiles that were putting Santa Fe passenger trains out of business. Ford’s building survives and is currently used as an air and space museum.