American Wonderland 1926

Published a year after the similarly titled Through the American Wonderland, you might expect this booklet to be a simple update of that one. In fact, the text and almost all of the photos are completely new. While chapters in the 1925 booklet have names like “Vacation Plus,” “Travel’s Rewards,” and “The Land Beyond,” the 1926 booklet is divided into chapters for various national parks plus other destinations.

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Curiously, the one photo I can find that is in both booklets is of the Wilbur Reid house in Portland. I recognize it despite the fact that the house is mostly obscured by vegetation because the recently restored house is still located just a few blocks from where I grew up.

Welcome Aboard Postcards

These cards are blank on the back, so aren’t meant to be used postally. But they are the same dimensions as a standard postcard.

Click image to download a PDF of this card.

The Texas Zephyr tells passengers they can find the diner “just ahead of the Pullman while a “buffet-observation lounge is provided at the rear.” Unmentioned is the dinette car for coach passengers. Since the lounge-observation car at the end of the train was not open to coach passengers, it seems likely this card was given solely to Pullman passengers.

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Burlington Postcards of Rocky Mountain Park

This postcard has a white border, indicating it was probably published in the 1920s or possibly the late 1910s, when black-and-white photos were hand colored before being made into postcards. Photos like this one show that the colors the artist used for the postcard’s sky are not unrealistic.

Click image to download a PDF of this postcard.

The rest of the card, however, is so muddy that it conveys very little information or excitement. Is that blob in the center left Longs Peak? Are the colorful little splotches at the bottom the town of Estes Park or just someone’s farm? It’s hard to tell, which makes you wonder why the railroad would bother making this into a postcard.

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Burlington Scenic Postcards

This postcard shows off what is quite possibly the most awesome city park in the United States, if not the world, and gives the Burlington Route the opportunity to brag that it was donated to the city of Colorado Springs by Burlington’s former president, Charles Perkins. Perkins ran the railroad for twenty years before selling it to James J. Hill for $200 a share, a $60 premium over its market price, in 1904.

Click image to download a PDF of this postcard.

Unfortunately, whoever colored this card had never seen Colorado’s “red rocks,” which are in fact more orange than red, as shown in the photo below by Colorado Springs photographer Dave Soldano (who is nice enough to put his photos on Flickr with a Creative Commons license). The rocks are even pinkish in this photo of the same scene, taken at a different time of day.

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North Coast Limited 1969 Menu

Like the 1966 dinner menu previously shown here, this menu features a black-and-white photo by Ron Nixon on the cover. Nixon earned his living as a telegrapher for the Northern Pacific, but also took thousands of photos, many of which were published in various magazines and journals starting in 1930.

Click image to download a 1.9-MB PDF of this menu. Click here for a 13.9-MB non-OCR version.

Nixon shot mainly in black-and-white, partly because B&W film was less expensive than color and partly because most of the publishers who purchased photos from him printed in B&W. In those pre-digital days, attempting to print a color negative or slide in black-and-white produced a muddy mess. While Nixon shot a few color photos in the 1960s, he didn’t start shooting mostly color until after Amtrak took over passenger service in 1971.

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NP 1969 Timetable

By 1969, the Northern Pacific timetable has shrunk to the equivalent of eight pages and looks more like what was once called a “condensed timetable.” Unlike the 1966 timetable, this one for 1969 doesn’t have an index of stations, fares, or a lot of connecting trains in Chicago. It does show some bus routes that replaced NP branch-line trains plus a connection at Portland with the Southern Pacific to San Francisco and Los Angeles and a connection at Butte with the Union Pacific to Salt Lake City.

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Trains 3 and 4, from St. Paul to somewhere in North Dakota (Jamestown in 1966) are gone. But, in addition to the North Coast Limited, Mainstreeter, and Seattle-Portland service, the timetable still shows two trains in Minnesota-North Dakota: Duluth to Staples and Fargo to Winnipeg. Surprisingly, Northern Pacific’s train from Minneapolis to Duluth, which seems like would be more popular, is gone.

NP Summer 1967 Timetable

Northern Pacific’s timetable shockingly dropped from 28 pages in its 1966 timetables to a mere 8 pages in 1967. The main difference is the deletion of material not directly related to NP schedules, including one page of “general information for travelers,” the three-page station index, three pages of connecting trains, four pages of ticket prices, and several ads. The mainline timetable that compared the times of the North Coast Limited, Mainstreeter, and trains 3 and 4 has also been deleted, saving four pages. In addition, the two-page centerfold map has been reduced to a third of a page.

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There only major change in train service was the elimination of the NP train between the Twin Cities and the Twin Ports of Duluth, MN-Superior, WI. In the mid-1950s, NP, GN, and Soo Line offered a total of five trains a day on this route, but NP went from two trains to one in the late 1950s and Soo dropped its single train in 1961. By 1967, only GN continued to serve this route with two daily trains, the Gopher and the Badger (the mascots of the Universities of Minnesota and Wisconsin).

NP Fall-Winter 1966 Timetable

This timetable has just as many pages as yesterday’s Summer, 1966 schedule, but a couple of minor trains are missing. The route between Duluth and Staples, Minnesota, had two trains a day in the summer timetable, reduced to one in the winter. A three-day-a-week mixed train on a branch from Mandan to Mott, North Dakota, has also disappeared.

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The times of many trains were pushed back an hour, perhaps a bow to daylight savings time, which the railroads were reluctant to adopt. For example, the NP trains between Seattle and Portland and between Duluth and Minneapolis were exactly an hour later in the October timetable. The summer timetable stressed that it used standard time, but by shifting the trains an hour people used to the old timetable could catch the trains at the same times in daylight time. The GN trains on these same routes did not change. The North Coast Limited and Mainstreeter times also shifted, but not by exactly an hour at every station.

NP Spring-Summer 1966 Timetable

NP’s timetable has shrunk from 32 pages in 1960 to 28 in 1966, but a lot of those pages are fluff. While the NP still had branch-line passenger trains on more than a dozen routes in Minnesota and North Dakota in 1960, by 1966 it had only five, the other routes being served by buses. Beyond North Dakota, the only trains other than the mainline trains are the one between Seattle and Portland.

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The schedule still included trains 3 and 4, the main line local, which once (under the numbers 7 and 8) went from St. Paul to Glendive, Montana, then was cut back to Mandan, ND (5 miles beyond Bismarck), and by 1966 only went as far as Jamestown, 100 miles short of the state capital. The North Coast Limited took about six hours to get from St. Paul to Jamestown; the Mainstreeter about eight hours; while train number 3 took nine-and-one half.

NP 1960 Timetable

The North Coast Limited gained Slumbercoaches by 1960, their gleaming stainless steel interrupting the train’s otherwise solid two-tone green colors. In addition to the Mainstreeter, the timetable still shows trains 3 and 4 from St. Paul, though now they terminate at Mandan, North Dakota, a bit west of Bismarck, instead of Glendive, Montana. West of Mandan there are no more local trains on the mainline, not even between Spokane and Seattle.

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NP still had some local trains in Minnesota and North Dakota, but it had replaced nearly all of its locals in Montana, Idaho, and Washington with buses. This included the line to Gardiner and the north entrance to Yellowstone Park.