NP 1953 Timetable

Although Northern Pacific streamlined the North Coast Limited in 1948, the train remained on the older, slower schedule until November, 1952. As reflected in this 1953 timetable, at that time it speeded up the North Coast Limited and replaced the Alaskan with the partly streamlined Mainstreeter. It also changed the numbers of the North Coast Limited from 1 & 2 to 25 & 26, probably so the same train numbers could be used through to Chicago on the Burlington–the Empire Builder changed to numbers 1 and 2 to 31 and 32 at about the same time. The Mainstreeter, which didn’t go through to Chicago, became trains 1 & 2.

Click image to download a 24.4-MB PDF of this timetable. Click here to download a non-OCRed version.

Kansas City passengers heading for the Northwest could still take a Burlington train to Billings, connecting with the Mainstreeter in both directions. The connections, however, were even less convenient than they were in 1949, with no through cars and a better-than-eight-hour layover in Billings in both directions. This might not have been terrible if the layover were during the day, but the westbound train to Seattle left at 4:25 am after an 8:00 pm arrival from Kansas City, while the eastbound train to Kansas City left at 9:00 am after a 1:45 am arrival from Seattle.

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NP 1949 Timetable

Northern Pacific advertised the streamlined North Coast Limited, but this timetable offered far fewer trains than were on the 1926 schedule. Gone was the Yellowstone Comet. Gone were most of the local trains between Fargo and Spokane. Gone was the Kansas City-Seattle train, replaced by connections at Billings with the Alaskan (the new name for NP’s secondary trains 3 and 4) westbound (after a three-hour layover) and the North Coast Limited eastbound (after a seven-hour overnight layover) and no through cars. Thus, NP cities once served by four trains each way per day by 1949 had only two.

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Despite being streamlined, the North Coast Limited took nearly 60 hours to get from Chicago to Seattle, compared with 45 hours on Great Northern’s Empire Builder. Unlike GN’s secondary train, the Oriental Limited, the Alaskan didn’t even go through to Chicago; westbound passengers would not have been much reassured to learn that “CB&Q train no. 49, when on time, connects at Minneapolis with NP train no. 3.”

NP 1948 Yellowstone

Like the NP West brochure, this one refers to the Red Lodge Gateway as “new,” saying it was “opening to railroad travelers with the 1937 season.” Unlike the West brochure, this one is clearly marked with a 1948 date, and the color cover also suggests that it is much newer than the West brochure. Despite the fact that NP first put its streamlined North Coast Limited in service in 1948, there’s no hint of streamlining anywhere in this brochure, which has at least three pictures of steam-powered heavyweight trains.

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Inside, the pages are trimmed with yellow borders but otherwise have just black-and-white photos. The back cover reproduces a painting by Gustav Krollman (the second one shown here) of a Northern Pacific steam-powered passenger train heading up the Paradise Valley to Gardiner. The photo on page 2 shows a steam locomotive at Gardiner that appears to be engine 1824. If so, it is a 2-8-2 Mikado, which may well be the locomotive painted by Krollman.

Second Anniversary

Today is the second anniversary of the first post to Streamliner Memories. Over the past two years, I’ve posted nearly a thousand PDFs of rail memorabilia. Almost 24 percent of them have been from the Union Pacific Railway, partly because UP had so many different colorful menus. Great Northern comes in second at 19 percent, Santa Fe at 13 percent, Burlington at 10 percent, Southern Pacific 6 percent, and Northern Pacific 5 percent. All other railroads combined make up about 25 percent.

Click image to download a 40.1-MB PDF of this 52-page booklet.

In recognition of Union Pacific’s popular menus, today I’m posting an interesting booklet published by Lee Paper Company to advertise their Corinthian Cover stock, on which UP printed its menus. To demonstrate the paper’s ability to display color photos, the booklet reprints the covers of eighteen Union Pacific menus. There are also several blank pages in the back showing different weights and finishes of the paper. There’s no date, but the covers used put it somewhere around 1955.

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NP West: circa 1940

This is an updated version of yesterday’s brochure, with many interior pages exactly alike other than the use of red trim on this booklet. When this brochure was printed, both Bonneville Dam and Timberline Lodge (which opened in 1938) were completed, while Grand Coulee Dam (completed in 1942) was nearing completion. So I’d date this brochure to around 1940 or 1941.

Click image to download an 19.0-MB PDF of this 28-page brochure. Click here to download a non-OCRed version.

The centerfold of this brochure offers “four gateways to Yellowstone National Park,” including Gardiner, Cody, Red Lodge, and (poaching on the Milwaukee Road) Bozeman-Gallatin Gateway. Yesterday’s 1936 brochure featured only three of these, with Gallatin Gateway being mentioned as “another interesting trip.” The Milwaukee had built a beautiful hotel at Gallatin Gateway in 1927, but stopped running its trains to the hotel in 1932, instead conveying people by bus 33 miles from Three Forks. Since NP’s station in Bozeman was 20 miles closer, it had an advantage.

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NP West: Scenic Route Across America

This 24-page brochure has no date, but it mentions the new “Red Lodge Gateway” (meaning the Beartooth Highway) to Yellowstone, which opened in 1936. It also shows Bonneville Dam under construction; since the dam was completed in 1937, this brochure dates to 1936 or early 1937.

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The brochure has a tear-out card stapled in that people could use to request more information. To show the card without removing it, I’ve scanned parts of some pages twice.

NP Alaska 1938

This 32-page brochure includes 23 pages of photos with a full-page map and about eight pages of text. In 1938, most travel in Alaska was by boat or train, so the brochure features several photos of the Alaska Railroad. Curiously, there are no photos of the White Pass & Yukon Route, though there is one small photo of Martin Itjen‘s Skagway Streetcars (the modern incarnation of which are run by Steve Hites).

Click image to download a 29.5-MB PDF of this brochure.

The text in the back of the booklet briefly describes six different package tours. Starting from Chicago or the Twin Cities, the tours range from eight to twenty days (extendable up to 35 days) and cost between $200 and $550 (around $2,600 to $6,500 in today’s dollars), depending on length of tour and accommodations. The cheapest tour is simply a train to Seattle and a steamship cruise from Seattle to Southeast Alaska, while the most expensive “Yukon River Circle Tour” includes a steamship to Skagway, train and steamboat to Fairbanks, a train to Seward, and steamship back to Seattle, with stops at McKinley National Park, Anchorage, and many other locations along the way.

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NP 1926 Timetable

This 88-year-old timetable reveals that the Northern Pacific had quite a range of trains in the Golden Age of rail travel. Trains 1 and 2 were the Chicago-Seattle North Coast Limited, which left its respective endpoints each morning and arrived at the opposite end slightly less than 72 hours later. Trains 3 and 4 were at that time called the Pacific Express and Atlantic Express, and they left their endpoints in the evenings and arrived at the opposite ends slightly more than 72 hours later.

Click image to download a 26.6-MB PDF of this timetable. Click here to download an OCRed version.

This is a summer timetable, and in the summers the all-Pullman Yellowstone Comet. Strangely, it wasn’t identified in the timetables by number, but it might have been 5 and 6 considering no other trains in the timetable have those numbers. The Comet trailed about five minutes behind the North Coast Limited from Chicago to Livingston, arriving there at 3 am. In order to give passengers a chance to see the scenery from the open-side observation cars, the train then sat in Livingston until 9 am, when it headed for Gardiner and the north entrance to Yellowstone Park, arriving at 11:15 am.

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El Capitan Luggage Sticker

One more Santa Fe luggage sticker, this one for the El Capitan.

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