Santa Fe 1953 Timetable

In 1953, the Santa Fe still ran numerous heavyweight trains. The Super Chief and El Capitan operated daily, and the all-Pullman Chief had been completely streamlined and took about six hours longer to go from Chicago to L.A. than the other two premiere trains. The heavyweight California Limited was no longer an all-Pullman train and took about a day longer to get from Chicago to L.A. than the Super Chief or El Capitan.

Click image to download a 32.2-MB PDF of this 48-page, OCRed timetable. Click here to download a non-OCR version.

The world of search engine optimization is really competitive. the original source order cialis There are many pharmacies online and for those who do not like swallowing pills can opt for ED pills such as Kamagra, probe viagra, Caverta and others. What is premature ejaculation? buy viagra line Premature ejaculation is climaxing remarkably quickly either before or shortly after penetration. Infrequent instances of premature ejaculation are not a major concern and can be corrected with some viagra for uk practices. Santa Fe dropped the Navajo from the timetable in 1939. While the Scout was still listed in 1953, since 1949 it was merely a connecting train to the California Limited on Santa Fe’s southern route through the Texas panhandle; after 1953, the name would be dropped completely. The Grand Canyon Limited is shown as two trains, a northern section through La Junta, Colorado and a southern section through Amarillo, Texas. For some reason, the westbound southern section arrived in Barstow ten minutes before the northern section, but left ten minutes after.

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The Golden Gate

This 1939 brochure introduces the Golden Gate, Santa Fe’s twin streamliners between Bakersfield and Oakland. When combined with a Santa Fe Trailways bus from Los Angeles to Bakersfield and a ferry from Oakland to San Francisco, passengers could go from L.A. to Frisco in just 9-3/4 hours, exactly the same as Southern Pacific’s Coast Daylight and about three hours less than SP’s later San Joaquin Daylight.

Click image to download a 3.3-MB PDF of this three-panel brochure. Click here to download an OCRed version.

The brochure claims that the Golden Gates, which began service on July 1, 1938, are the “14th and 15th in Santa Fe’s great fleet of streamliners.” In fact, they are the eighth and ninth:

  • First was the May 18, 1936 Super Chief;
  • Second and third, two El Capitans were introduced on February 22, 1938;
  • Fourth, a second Super Chief was introduced on February 26, 1938;
  • Fifth, a single San Diegan train set was introduced on March 27, 1938;
  • Sixth and seventh, the Chicagoan and Kansas Citian were introduced on April 17, 1938.

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Santa Fe 1937 Timetable

The streamlined Super Chief (trains 17 & 18) ran once a week each way between Chicago and Los Angeles in this 1937 timetable. Otherwise, Santa Fe trains were all heavyweights, most notably including:

  • Trains 1 & 2, the all-coach Scout, which went from Chicago to L.A. on Santa Fe’s southern route via the Texas panhandle;
  • Trains 3 & 4, the all-Pullman California Limited;
  • Trains 5 & 6, the Chicago-Galveston Ranger;
  • Trains 7 & 8, the Fast Mail Express which carried one coach but mainly goods between Chicago and L.A.;
  • Trains 9 & 10, the Texas panhandle-routed Navajo;
  • Trains 15 & 16, the Fast Mail, which carried a coach between Chicago and Kansas City;
  • Trains 19 & 20, the all-Pullman Chief; and
  • Trains 23 & 24, the Grand Canyon Limited.

    Click image to download a 41.6-MB PDF of this 64-page, OCRed timetable. Click here to download a non-OCR version.

    Trains left Chicago throughout the day, starting with the Fast Mail at 1:45 am and ending with the Grand Canyon Limited at 11:35 pm. The timetable also includes Santa Fe Trailways buses, which–like the trains–had colorful names. The Warrior and the Westerner connected Chicago and Denver, while the Century Express and Santa Fe Trail Ltd. connected Chicago and L.A. on schedules about 12 hours apart.

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1945 Report on Streamline Trains

The 1945 Report on Streamline Trains focused exclusively on Seaboard Air Line’s Silver Meteor. The report observed that this operation grew from a single seven-car train that went from Richmond to Miami every three days in early 1939 to three 17-car Richmond-Miami trains plus three 12-car Richmond-St. Petersburg trains, allowing daily service to both Florida coasts starting mid-1943.

Click image to download a 31.3-MB PDF of this 88-page report. Click here to download an OCRed version of the report.

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1941 Report on Streamline Trains

This 1941 update is only 44 pages long, and doesn’t repeat information about the trains listed in the 1938 and 1939 reports. It does briefly list the equipment of new trains: Zephyr-Rocket, Santa Fe Tulsan, Rock Island’s Choctaw Rocket, Rock Island-SP Arizona Limited, MP’s St. Louis-Omaha Missouri River Eagle, New York Central’s James Whitcomb Riley and Empire State Express, the Chicago-Miami Dixie Flagler, City of Miami, and South Wind, and Southern’s Southerner and Tennesseean.

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Detailed revenue and expense data for many of the trains are consolidated in a 17-page statistical section. This includes trains of the Burlington, Milwaukee Road, Santa Fe, Rock Island, Missouri Pacific, Illinois Central, Central of Georgia, Gulf, Mobile & Ohio, Baltimore & Ohio-Alton, Seaboard, Florida East Coast, Chicago & Eastern Illinois, and Southern. Missing are data for Union Pacific’s streamliners, which had been included in the 1938 and 1939 reports, but apparently UP and its partners stopped publishing data for individual trains.

1939 Report on Streamline Trains

I previously presented the 1938 Report on Streamline, Light-Weight, High-Speed Passenger Trains by Coverdale and Colpitts. This is the 1939 update of that report. The updates includes detailed financial information about most of the streamlined trains that began operating in 1938 or before. The exceptions are the New York Central, Pennsylvania, Baltimore & Ohio, and Reading trains, because those railroads did not keep (or make available) separate operating data by train.

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In the year that had passed since the 1938 report, four new streamlined or semi-streamlined trains had been added to American rails: The Burlington-Rock Island Texas Rocket, Baltimore & Ohio’s Columbian and Capitol Limited, and Seaboard’s Silver Meteor. Rock Island’s Chicago-Denver Rocky Mountain Rocket would commence service on November 12, 1939; Atlantic Coast Line’s Champion, and Florida East Coast’s Henry M. Flagler would begin operating in December, 1939; while Missouri Pacific’s St. Louis-Kansas City Eagle would enter service on January 1, 1940 and. New York Central had added streamlined passenger cars to its New York-St. Louis Southwestern Limited, and Burlington’s General Pershing Zephyr had replaced the Ozark State Zephyr in St. Louis-Kansas City service. This brought the total of streamlined trains from 41 to 49.

Chicago-Omaha-Denver 1950 Timetable

This January 8, 1950 timetable just covers Burlington’s Chicago-Denver route, including trains to Galesburg, Omaha, and Lincoln, as well as trains that diverge from this route to Kansas City and other Missouri cities. The timetable shows an impressive eleven trains heading west from Chicago (but only ten returning), including four trains to Denver, three more to Omaha/Lincoln, and four going at least as far as Galesburg.

Click image to download a 2.8-MB PDF of this four-panel timetable.

The first thing to note is that the Burlington had a funny way of numbering its trains. Instead of number its premiere train numbers 1 and 2, the Denver Zephyr was numbered 1 and 10. The Chicago-Lincoln Ak-Sar-Ben was numbered 3 and 30; Zephyr 9902, serving the Mark Twain Zephyr route, was numbered 5 and 2; trains 7 and 14 served local stops between Chicago and Denver; whereas 9 and 4 went between Chicago and Galesburg. The only trains with adjacent numbers were the Nebraska Zephyr (11 and 12), California Zephyr (17 and 18), American Royal Zephyr (55 and 56), and a Chicago-Mendota train (32 and 33)–and even the last one is even-odd rather than odd-even as it would be if trains were numbered from 1 & 2 on up.

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The Last Run of the California Zephyr

In the late 1960s, the California Zephyr was one of the best-patronized long-distance trains in America. But it still lost money for the Western Pacific, which was a marginal railroad to begin with. So WP petitioned to discontinue the train and finally received permission to do so in 1970. This hastily printed booklet explains to passengers why the railroad couldn’t afford to keep running the train.

Click image to download a 3.1-MB PDF of this 12-page brochure. Click here to download a non-OCR version.

Apparently, the Interstate Commerce Commission would refuse to let railroads abandon money-losing trains if those trains were somehow vital to transportation in the communities those trains served. The brochure quotes the ICC decision saying that most “passengers are attracted to trains by aesthetic, rather than utilitarian considerations” and the train “is primarily a Sight seeing excursion.” As an economist, I have to quibble that it doesn’t matter what people are using the train for; if they ride it, it is producing some value for them and the government should discriminate between values it considers worthwhile and ones that it does not.

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California Zephyr 1969 Timetable

If yesterday’s timetable was one of the first ones issued for the California Zephyr, this one was the last one. Curiously, while yesterday’s has the logos of all three partner railroads, this one is just from the Western Pacific, the partner that would quit running the train a few months after this timetable was issued.

Click image to download a 1.2-MB PDF of this timetable.

The timetable is twice as big–four panels instead of two–as the 1950 edition. The extra panels are used for the color photo on the cover–you can barely see the train in the photo’s background–and for a map, list of agents, fares, and “general information” about the train. The timetable itself takes just one panel, and that includes listing the times of connecting trains to St. Louis, Kansas City, and Minneapolis.

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California Zephyr 1950 Timetable

The California Zephyr began operating in 1949, so this timetable, which went into effect on March 1, 1950, is one of the earliest ones produced for the train. In addition to departure times from all 30 or so cities along the route, the timetable has some brief notes about the scenery: “From Granby parallel the Colorado River for 235 miles”; “Byers Canyon, Gore Canyon, Red Canyon, Glenwood Canyon, Ruby Canyon”; “Feather River Canyon–116 miles through Sierra Nevada Range.”

Click image to download a 1.2-MB PDF of this timetable.

One panel advertises the dining car and cafe car. “Both the dining car and Vista-Dome buffet-lounge car are smartly decorated, fully carpeted, and windows have Venetian blinds. The Vista-Dome in buffet-lounge car is for the use of sleeping car passengers only.” In other words, coach passengers shared the first three domes while sleeping car passengers had the last two.
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