The Pullman Company Exhibit

This is Pullman’s contribution to literature about the 1939-1940 New York World’s Fair. It’s dated 1940; the 1939 brochure was much smaller and lacked any photos of the fair itself, no doubt because it was prepared before much of the fair had been built.

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Much of the 1940 brochure contrasts pictures of art and architecture at the fair on one page with information about the latest Pullman innovations, such as roomettes and double bedrooms, on the opposite page. It is a somewhat jarring juxtaposition, especially since there is no explanation of what buildings or statues are shown or what they have to do with Pullman service (which is nothing).

World’s Fair 1940–Southern Pacific

Much of this brochure was developed by the World’s Fair committee, and Southern Pacific added to it and adopted it for its own advertising. For example, here is the same cover but with “Admission 50¢ Children under Fourteen 25¢” in place of the words “Southern Pacific.”

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The original, unaltered brochure recently sold on ebay (but that link won’t last forever). It shows many of the same illustrations and photos on the back side, but some major changes to at least five panels on the front. Southern Pacific replaced four panels showing pictures of the fair with an ad for Southern Pacific trains, and it replaced a fifth panel showing other fair exhibits with an ad for “Railroads on Parade.”

Railroads on Parade–1940

Here’s another publication about the railroad exhibit at the 1939-1940 New York World’s Fair. This one was printed for the 1940 season, and like yesterday’s brochure is also by the Eastern Railroad’s Presidents Conference. The 20-page book is a guide to pageant showing the history of American railroads.

Click image to download a 15.3-MB PDF of this 20-page booklet. Click here to download a 146-MB non-OCR version. I don’t know why it’s so big, but I’m posting it because I’m really annoyed at the way Acrobat skewed the pages of the booklet when making the OCR version.

The cover says that Railroads on Parade was the “Hit Show of the Fair.” That’s not true; the real hit was the General Motors Futurama exhibit. According to Norman Bel Geddes, who designed Futurama for Goodyear, then talked General Motors into sponsoring it when Goodyear backed out, “long queues often stretched more than a mile, from 5,000 to 15,000 men, women and children at a time, stood, all day long every day, under the hot sun, and in the rain” to see Futurama. Not only was Futurama about truly new technologies, it was completely new, while Railroads on Parade was merely a revamped version of similar shows in Baltimore in 1927 and Chicago in 1933.

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Railroads at the 1939 Fair

Railroads exhibits occupied a large portion of the New York World’s Fair. This brochure, published by the Eastern Railroad President’s Conference, including a Railroads on Parade exhibit of historic locomotives in action, two large model railroads, and one of the largest steam locomotives ever built operating on rollers.

Click image to download a 3.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

The illustrations in the brochure were by Cardwell Higgins, a New Jersey artist who did pulp book covers, pin ups, and advertising. Among his advertising clients were Eastern Airlines, Mobil, and Paramount Pictures.

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Western Pacific Ticket Envelope

Instead of a folder with a pocket, Western Pacific ticket envelopes were real commercial envelopes. The size is somewhat unusual: 3-1/2″ x 7-1/2″. The closest I can find for sale today is 3-7/8″ x 7-1/2″, the so-called Monarch envelope. In the past, men suffering from the condition did not improve, gradually wholesale tadalafil they become depression bored, or even lose confidence in life. Do not take this drug for erectile dysfunction and tadalafil online india is meant for people who want to bring the spark back into your love life. Those taking online Ds ed in Texas can also revisit course material when they need to, since there is no denying; kamagra is a magical medicine for ED cure. vardenafil vs viagra It reduces stress level online viagra and decreases the risk of getting those health issues by keeping the belly fat under control. WP may have custom ordered this size.

Click image to download a PDF of this envelope. Only the front is included as the back is blank.

Vista-Dome Views–1949

Dated October, 1949, just seven months after the California Zephyr‘s inaugural run, this must be one of the first editions of this brochure that was given to passengers in various forms over the years. Most of the illustrations of the train are drawings, though there is one photo of the train in Glenwood Canyon.

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Half the brochure provides a point-to-point guide to cities and sights seen from the train. The other half advertises the train itself, including the vista-dome coaches, vista-dome buffet-lounge, diner, sleepers, and “America’s most glamorous railroad car,” the vista-dome observation-lounge.

Railroading in France

This English-language brochure provides information about what trains are like in France, the six train station in Paris, eating on board and in train stations, overnight travel, and motor coach tours. There’s also a page translating common railroading terms from French to English.

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The brochure was printed in New York for the French National Railroads (SNCF), and doesn’t have a print date. However, a sample menu in the brochure is dated May 15, 1951, so the brochure was probably printed that year.

Aguila Azteca

As early as 1915, Missouri Pacific and National Railways of Mexico (NdeM) ran connecting trains, through cars, or through trains from St. Louis and/or San Antonio to Mexico City via Laredo and Nuevo Laredo. In 1948, in keeping with Missouri Pacific’s use of the word “eagle” in its streamliner names, the two railroads began running the Aztec Eagle, or in Spanish, Aguila Azteca, from San Antonio to Mexico City.

Click image to download a 12.5-MB PDF of this 32-page brochure.

Although there were through cars, the entire train did not go over the border. Moreover, Missouri Pacific was reluctant to send brand-new streamlined cars into Mexico, so despite the Eagle name the through cars were heavyweights.

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Canada by Canadian Pacific

At first glance, this looks like just another edition of the 1959 Canada by Canadian Pacific brochure presented here awhile back, or the 1965 See Canada brochure posted yesterday. But, instead of being a 16-page, stapled booklet, like those, this one unfolds into one giant (18″x29″) sheet.

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A printer mark says “5257,” and since CPR didn’t have domes in 1952, I’m guessing this was printed in 1957. It’s clear why they changed formats in 1959. Though it has the same number of square inches of paper, or even a few more, this format has fewer photos (26 vs. 28) and far fewer color graphics (2 vs. 10) than the booklet versions. It is also harder to read since such a large space is needed to open it up.

See Canada, Go Canadian Pacific

This 1965 brochure uses many of the same photos, graphics, and text as a 1959 brochure that I posted here previously. The biggest difference is the cover art.

Click image to download a 7.3-MB PDF of this 16-page brochure. Click here for a non-OCR version.

With all of the beautiful scenery outside, why is that guy slouching? He’s in the second row of the dome, which has limited legroom, so where is he putting his feet? And why does he look like the meal he just ate in the diner didn’t agree with him? The cover on the 1959 edition looks happier, but judging from these 1965 Great Northern ads, the 1965 cover is more in keeping with the artistic style of the mid-1960s.