Northern Pacific Wagon Train Menu

This menu cover has been printed on very stiff paper to look and feel like a thinly sliced piece of redwood. Many people might not notice, but the effect is spoiled by the fact that the inside wood grain doesn’t come close to matching the grain on the outside. The wagon train scene on the cover is a separate piece of paper that was glued on, so it is possible that other images were also used with wood-grained covers.

Click image to download a 1.9-MB PDF of this menu.
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Unfortunately, no actual menu is included with this cover. It is unlikely that NP would try to print a menu on this dark paper, so the menu must have been on a separate piece of paper that was possibly held in place with a string similar to the Santa Fe champagne menu. The only clue to the date is the “Yellowstone Park Line” logo, which puts it before 1955. However, I suspect it is closer to 1930.

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