Holiday Fact Finder

Although this brochure was clearly issued by the White Pass & Yukon Route, only one of the five panels (other than the cover) actually features White Pass trains between Skagway and Whitehorse. The others deal with the Alaska ferry system, Pacific Great Eastern trains to Prince George, the Coachways bus system, and Yukon River boat trips.

Click image to download a 2.2-MB PDF of this brochure.

The reasoning apparently is that these are all ways of getting either to Skagway (via Alaska ferries) or White Horse (via PGE and Coachways bus) or to leave Whitehorse (via Yukon River boats). Though it’s now visited by hundreds of thousands of cruise ship passengers a year, Skagway was a pretty out-of-the-way place in the 1960s, when this brochure was issued.
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Re-discover the Romance of Train Travel

In 1965, Canadian Pacific still advertised train travel to families using a 16-page brochure originally designed when the streamlined Canadian was introduced in in the mid-1950s. But it also took advantage of the sexual revolution to advertise the “romance of train travel” using this photo of a beautiful young couple making bedroom eyes at one another across a dining car table. The brochure folds out to the equivalent of six 7-1/2×9-inch pages that emphasize the “complete privacy, day and night” offered by roomettes, duplex roomettes, and bedrooms, as well as the “completely private lower and upper berths by night” for “budget travel.”

Click image to download a 7.1-MB PDF of this brochure.
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Unfortunately, this modern message is lost in the rest of the brochure, which reprints the same Hedley Rainnie interior illustrations that had been used to introduce the streamlined trains eleven years before. These are not only filled with hairstyles and clothes that were clearly outdated by 1965, they rely on 1954 social mores that show just one person to a roomette and couples bedding down in bunk beds in bedrooms (with the woman on the lower bed while the man gallantly takes the upper) or sleeping in separate, perpendicular beds in a drawing room. Someone should have sent a memo to Canadian Pacific that separate beds are not romantic.

Lake Louise Menu

Featuring Lake Louise on the cover, this menu, like the previous two, was used on a Great Lakes steamship, in this case the same Assiniboia as in day-before-yesterday’s menu. While yesterday’s menu was for dinner, this and the previous Assiniboia menus were for lunch.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

The table d’hôte menus are unpriced indicating the price of the food was in the fare. All three offer Lake Superior fish, apparently as a course separate from the main entrée, which was a choice between (in this case) loin steak, pineapple chicken, and breaded sweetbreads. Yesterday’s dinner menu, in contrast, offered prime rib, Canadian ham, or roast duck, while the other lunch menu had grilled ham, steak-and-kidney pie, veal fricassee, or chicken omelette. In other words, dinners weren’t much different from lunches. All meals came with appetizers, soup, salad, potatoes, dessert, and beverage.

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Countess of Dufferin Menu

The cover of this menu shows the Countess of Dufferin, the first locomotive in Manitoba (and, therefore, all of western Canada). The back of the menu carefully says the locomotive is “labelled C.P.R. No. 1.” In fact, as the Canadian Pacific well knew, the locomotive never was numbered CPR 1 in service, and probably wasn’t named the Countess of Dufferin either. Nor, as some present-day accounts claim, was the locomotive’s owner, Joseph Whitehead, “the fireman on the ‘Rocket’ built by George Stephenson, when in 1825 it became the first engine to run the first railway route between Stockton-on-Tees and Darlington in Yorkshire, England.”

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

Joseph Whitehead was born in England and may have worked for George Stephenson for a time, but in 1825 he was just 11 years old so almost certainly did not fire the Rocket or other very early locomotives. He moved to Canada in 1850 and became a railroad contractor. The so-called C.P.R. No. 1, meanwhile, was built by Baldwin in 1872 and sold to the Northern Pacific Railroad, which numbered it 21. In 1877, to help fulfill a contract to build a portion of the CPR in Manitoba, Whitehead purchased the locomotive from the cash-strapped NP.

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Stoney Creek Bridge Menu

Nicholas Morant’s photo of the Canadian on Stoney Creek Bridge adorns this menu that was used on board the SS Assiniboia, one of Canadian Pacific’s Great Lakes steamers that ferried passengers, cars, and some cargo between Port Arthur (Thunder Bay) on Lake Superior and Port McNicoll on Lake Huron. Built in 1907, Assiniboia carried passengers until 1965, then carried freight for a couple more years, before she was sold to someone who was going to turn her into a restaurant in New Jersey. Unfortunately, she caught fire and was scrapped instead.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

The Canadian Pacific postcard below shows a painting of the Assiniboia by Gordon F. Gillespie. I can find little information about Gillespie except that Canadian Pacific used his Great Lakes and other paintings of Canadian scenery on several postcards and brochures in the 1920s. A pastoral painting supposedly from the Canadian Pacific archives indicates that Gillespie lived for a time at 11 Main Street, Sweetsburg, Québec, which today would probably be 11 Rue Principale, Cowansville, Québec.
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Canadian Pacific 1962 Timetable

This summer timetable uses the same cover art as the 1961 edition and, like that version, is just 36 pages long. In contrast to the 1961 CN timetable, which was 68 pages, CP’s timetable had shrunk from the 68 pages needed for the winter, 1957 timetable.

Click image to download a 25.1-MB PDF of this timetable.

In addition to the Canadian, the timetable lists the Dominion as a “scenic-dome train,” but the equipment listing indicates Skyline coach-cafe domes were used on the Dominion only before June 28 and after September 3, and then only between Montreal and Winnipeg. Meanwhile, Skyline domes were also used on the overnight Atlantic Limited between Montreal and St. John, New Brunswick. The timetable also seems to indicate that dome-observation cars and dome-coaches (probably Skyline cars with the cafe not operating) were used on some Montreal-Québec City trains.
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1961 Canadian Timetables

A Streamliner Memories reader who wishes to remain anonymous has offered these 1961 timetables for the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National railways. The covers provide an interesting contrast between the two operations.

Click image to download a 26.4-MB PDF of this timetable.

CP’s cover uses its traditional yellow background to frame a painting of the Canadian in Banff. Why a painting when the train has been in operation for seven years offering plenty of opportunities for photographs? We know the 1957 timetable featured a quite beautiful photo of the Canadian near Banff on its cover. The 1961 timetable reserved the back cover for photos, but they were the same photos that had appeared in CP ads since the Canadian was introduced in 1954.

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“The Mounted” Menu

This menu wasn’t actually used by the Canadian Pacific, but “was furnished by ‘Canadian Pacific,’ the world’s greatest transportation system,” to the Royal City Stamp Club for use at the 1961 banquet of the Northwest Federation of Stamp Clubs. The meeting took place in Centennial Lodge of Queens Park in New Weestminster, British Columbia.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.
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The menu was hardly necessary as everyone got the same dinner of crab cocktail, barbecued chicken, whipped potatoes, vegetables, strawberry shortcake, and tea or coffee. The menu cover shows an unmounted member of the Mounted Police on the steps of the Parliament Building in Ottawa, a long way from New Westminster.

1961 Canadian Menu

This menu has the familiar painting of the Canadian on Morant’s curve by Chesley Bonestell on the cover. But instead of the dignified (but inappropriate Old English font) “The Canadian” on the cover, as in the 1958 menu, this one advertises “Famous Canadian Pacific Trains,” including the Montreal-Quebec Frontenac and Viger, the Montreal-Saint John Atlantic, Toronto-Chicago Chicago Express, Chicago-Toronto Overseas (Toronto is overseas from Chicago?), and finally The Canadian.

Click image to download a 2.5-MB PDF of this menu.

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Canadian Pacific Hotels

This 1965 brochure pictures and describes seven chateau-style hotels, three plainer urban hotels built in the early 20th century, and two motor lodges. The brochure also describes two high-rise modernist hotels then under construction, one in Edmonton scheduled to open and one in Montreal scheduled to open in 1967. But Canadian Pacific owned several other hotels at the time, including the Cornwallis Inn in Nova Scotia, and the 1939 Hotel Vancouver, perhaps the last chateau-style hotel built, which CP owned jointly with rival CN.

Click image to download a 5.6-MB PDF of this brochure.

The hotels described in this brochure ranged in size from 50 rooms in the modernist Timberline Hotel in Banff (now the Juniper Hotel to more than 1,600 rooms in Toronto’s Royal York Hotel, once the largest hotel in the British Commonwealth. The brochure also briefly describes five Rocky Mountain lodges with other owners but “reached by Canadian Pacific.”

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