B&O Prewar Blotters

These blotters from the Dale Hastin collection all seem to predate World War II. Click any image to download a PDF of that blotter. The PDFs are about 0.3 to 0.6 megabytes in size.

This blotter advertising the National Limited must be from after 1926, when B&O began moving New York City passengers to Jersey City by bus, but before 1932, when the train because the first to be completely air conditioned. B&O began operating the National Limited in 1925 and continued until Amtrak took over passenger service in 1971.

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Baltimore & Ohio 1948 Timetable

B&O had quite a few passenger trains in 1948: five daily trains from New York to Chicago (though, somehow, only four from Chicago to New York), three each way between New York and St. Louis, as well as through trains from the East Coast to Detroit, Cincinnati, and other interior cities. Although the timetable lists eight trains a day between Washington and New York, B&O couldn’t really compete with the Pennsylvania north of Baltimore, and it ended service to Philadelphia and New York in 1958. B&O was more competitive between Baltimore and Washington, running more than 24 trains a day on weekdays, about half of them non-stop.

Click image to download a 34.2-MB PDF of this 52-page timetable.
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The timetable indicates that the B&O ran cars through to Los Angeles and Texas over the Santa Fe, Missouri Pacific, and Frisco railroads. B&O’s all-Pullman Capital Limited to Chicago connected with Santa Fe’s all-Pullman Chief to L.A., while the National Limited to St. Louis connected with either Missouri Pacific’s Sunshine Special to Dallas or Frisco’s Texas Special to Dallas and San Antonio. Another connection was between B&O’s Diplomat, which operated three hours after the National Limited, and Frisco’s Meteor to Oklahoma City and Tulsa.

Dedicating the B&O Rail Museum

After collecting, restoring, and reproducing numerous old locomotives and rail cars for the railroad’s 1927 centennial, and then showing off many of the items in that collection at various fairs in the 1930s and 1940s, the B&O decided to open a full-fledged railroad museum in 1953. This booklet is the program for the dedication of that museum.

Click image to download a 4.3-MB PDF of this 8-page booklet.

The “first stone” for the railroad had been laid on July 4, 1827. The B&O reenacted that ceremony for the dedication of its museum. Perhaps to avoid other Fourth of July celebrations, this took place on July 2, 1953. The program lists the names of people giving speeches at the ceremony, including Maryland Governor Theodore McKeldin and B&O president Roy White. But it also provides the complete script of the reenactment of the laying of the first stone–a reenactment that had obviously been highly dramatized.

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Go West This Summer

This 1936 menu exhorts passengers to “Go West” via the Baltimore & Ohio. I’m not sure what waterfall is pictured on the cover, but it may be in Glacier National Park. The back cover pictures scenes from Glacier, Yellowstone, and Yosemite parks.

Click image to download a 2.9-MB PDF of this menu.

For some reason, eastern menus were often more crassly commercial than menus of western railroads, containing small ads here and there and overtly enticing people to ride the railroads’ trains instead of just picturing scenes along and near the route. In this case, none of the scenes pictured are within a thousand miles of the nearest B&O track, whereas photos on Great Northern, Northern Pacific, Union Pacific, and other western railroad menus were always of parks and vistas directly accessed by those rail lines.

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Glimpses of 1946

This is a post-war update of yesterday’s 1931 along-the-way booklet. Whereas yesterday’s covered the route from New York to St. Louis, this one covers the “one-thousand-mile journey” from New York to Chicago by “Diesel-Electric Streamliner.”

Click image to download a 9.7-MB PDF of this 40-page booklet.

B&O’s route to Chicago missed most of the major cities between Pittsburgh and Chicago. The dip down to Washington made the route of the B&O’s premiere train, the Capitol Limited, 90 miles longer than PRR’s Broadway Limited, and for this and other reasons the B&O train took nearly five hours more between the two cities.

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Glimpses of 1931

The B&O published various versions of this little booklet for many years. This particular edition says “New York-St. Louis,” implying that a different version came out for New York to Chicago. The 1931 date indicates that it was before air conditioning (which may be why the people on the cover are on the observation platform), Diesels, and streamlining.

Click image to download an 11.0-MB PDF of this 44-page booklet.

The B&O owned very little track in either New York or New Jersey, instead reaching Jersey City over the rails of the Reading and Jersey Central railroads. The only track it owned in New York was the Staten Island Rapid Transit system, which it purchased in 1885 apparently with the intent of turning Staten Island into a seaport. That never happened, but most passengers to New York City wouldn’t have gone through Staten Island anyway.
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B&O at the Chicago Century of Progress Fair

Chicago held its Century of Progress Fair, celebrating its first century of existence, just six years after the B&O celebrated its own centennial. This made it easy for B&O to send to the Chicago fair the “choicest historical” (and pseudo-historical–some were replicas) locomotives and train cars that it had displayed at its 1927 “Fair of the Iron Horse.”

Click image to download a 9.1-MB PDF of this 24-page booklet.
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In addition to early locomotives, this booklet describes other B&O innovations, such as air conditioning and stone-arch railroad bridges. The booklet claims that “B&O originated the modern lounge car” and was also an early adapter of electric lighting, reclining seat chair cars, and owner of the first train station in the United States and oldest train station in the world.

Wabash 1964 Timetable

Between 1959 and 1964, the Wabash timetable shrank from a 16-page booklet to a four-panel brochure. The timetable still showed trains on the same routes as in 1959, but services on most of them were reduced. Surprisingly, the Centralia-Columbia passenger and two mixed trains survived in 1964, as did the two St. Louis-Detroit trains. There is also a new train that appears to be a commuter train over the 23 miles from Orland Park to Chicago once each weekday morning and returning each weekday afternoon.

Click image to download a 2.5-MB PDF of this 16-page timetable.
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However, the St. Louis-Omaha train was cut back to St. Louis-Council Bluffs. The overnight “Midnight Limiteds” from Chicago to St. Louis and St. Louis to Kansas City disappeared completely. Wabash continued to operate the City of Kansas City until February, 1968, and the City of St. Louis until August, 1968. When the latter train ended, Union Pacific renamed its share of that train that operated from Kansas City to Denver City of Kansas City, which must have confused a few people who were used to taking a train of that name from Kansas City to St. Louis.

Wabash 1959 Timetable

In 1959, Wabash passenger trains apparently served four main routes: Chicago-St. Louis, St. Louis-Kansas City, St. Louis-Detroit, and St. Louis-Omaha. There was also one local route between Centralia and Columbia, Missouri.

Click image to download an 11.3-MB PDF of this 16-page timetable.

The Chicago-St. Louis route was served by the Banner Blue, the domeliner Blue Bird, and the Midnight. St. Louis-Kansas City had the morning domeliner City of Kansas City, afternoon domeliner City of St. Louis, and overnight Midnight Limited.

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Wabash Post-War Blotters

These blotters are for various Wabash trains including Chicago-St. Louis, St. Louis-Kansas City, and one that went from Chicago to Detroit. Like yesterday’s, these are from the Dale Hastin collection.

This blotter may actually be from the pre-war era as the Red Bird was a Chicago-Detroit train that operated from 1941 to 1949. The similarity of this blotter to the next one, however, suggests it might have been published after the war.

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