Wabash Pre-War Blotters

The Wabash Railroad had lines to Toledo, Buffalo, Omaha, Des Moines, and upstate Michigan. But today’s blotters from Dale Hastin’s collection all advertise either its trains between Kansas City and St. Louis or between St. Louis and Chicago. Click any image to download a PDF of that blotter; all PDFs are between 0.3 and 0.6 megabytes.

The first blotter lists three trains a day from St. Louis to Kansas City and emphasizes that Wabash uses “all-steel equipment.” Steel passenger cars began replacing wood ones in about 1910 and the transition was complete on most major railroads by the 1920s, so I’d guess this blotter was from the 1910s.

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Panama Limited Menu Blank

This menu is about the same size and uses the same paper as the previous three, so is probably from the same late-1960s era. Unlike the breakfast and dinner blanks, this one is a four-page folder and not just a card.

The menu cover shows a courtyard scene in old New Orleans. Click image to download a 0.5-MB PDF of this menu blank.
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That’s appropriate as the Panama Limited was IC’s premiere train, and until the end of 1967 included only Pullman cars. If, like yesterday’s menu, this one is from 1968, that would be after IC started including some coaches in the train. But it would still offer a higher level of service than, say, the City of New Orleans which, thanks to Steve Goodman’s song, is better known today but was not quite as classy.

Illinois Central Buffet-Lounge Menu

This 1968 menu offers a respectable range of dinners from six different sandwich baskets to four “grill specials” including veal cutlets and a “grill sirloin butt steak dinner.” The steak dinner includes juice, French fries, a dinner roll, and beverage for $2.75 (about $19 in today’s money).

Click image to download a 0.4-MB PDF of this menu blank.
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Facing the page of dinner selections is a page of alcoholic beverages. The back cover includes other beverages (including both Coke and Pepsi), souvenirs such as decorated glasses and travel bags, cigars and cigarettes, and aspirin and Alka Seltzer.

Illinois Central Dinner Blank

This blank menu is clearly contemporaneous with yesterday’s, which if my guess is correct means it is from the late 1960s. The backs of the two menus are identical.

Click image to download a 0.4-MB PDF of this menu blank.
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The front of this menu displays a scene uncomfortably close to an antebellum Southern plantation. New Orleans, the southern terminus of many of IC’s passenger trains, was actually one of the more liberal cities in the South before the Civil War, with many free blacks more-or-less integrated into the social structure. But that did not prevent Louisiana from joining other Southern states in oppressing blacks after the war up to and beyond whatever date his menu was published.

Illinois Central Breakfast Blank

There’s no date on this blank menu, but I suspect it is from the late 1960s when rail ridership and service was rapidly declining. The menu itself is made of glossy paper laminated onto regular paper. The back of the menu (the part on regular paper) has an ad for eating in the diner (which seems redundant since anyone holding the menu would already be there) and, curiously, a space for people to take notes about the “highlights of my trip.”

Click image to download a 0.4-MB PDF of this menu blank.
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Just barely visible in the background of the farm scene on the cover is a distant passenger train. Presumably this is supposed to be an Illinois Central train, but the illustrator was unable to give it the distinctive IC chocolate brown color using just the red and yellow covers on the menu cover.

Illinois Central World’s Fair Blotters

This blotter bragged that Illinois Central’s three daily trains between Chicago and St. Louis were all “air-cooled.” Note that only the Daylight is “mechanically air-cooled” while the other two trains are merely “pre-cooled.” Good luck in staying cool on the Michigan Boulevard all the way to St. Louis on a hot summer evening. The blotter doesn’t have a specific date, but it mentions that Chicago’s 1933 World’s Fair is “now under construction,” so I infer it is from 1932 or, perhaps, early 1933.

Click image to download a 0.4-MB PDF of this blotter.

The next blotter urges residents of Sioux Falls to take the Hawkeye “direct to Chicago World’s Fair.” Though there is no date, the World’s Fair began in 1933 so presumably the blotter is from that year.

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Illinois Central Blotters

This beautiful blotter advertises Illinois Central’s all-Pullman Panama Limited from Chicago to New Orleans. The cloche hat worn by the woman in the picture dates the blotter to the 1920s, while the reference to Gulfport, Biloxi, and Pass Christian dates it to after 1924, when Illinois Central acquired control of a rail line to that area.

Click image to download a 0.4-MB PDF of this blotter.

During the 1920s, IC had three trains a day between Chicago and New Orleans: the New Orleans Special (which was called the Through Mail northbound), the New Orleans Limited (which was called the Chicago Limited northbound), and the Panama Limited. All three stopped at Jackson, Mississippi, where passengers could catch a train to Gulfport on the Gulf & Ship Island Railroad. IC operated this railroad as a subsidiary after 1924 and folded it into the railroad in 1946. Passengers traveling on to Biloxi (12 miles east of Gulfport) or Pass Christian (9 miles west of Gulfport) would take an Illinois Central bus.

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On the Rhaetian Railway Through the Grisons

Most railroads in Europe are government owned, but Switzerland has an interesting combination of government and private railways. Perhaps coincidentally, Switzerland also has the highest railway usage, per capita, of any European nation. The private railways are mostly meter-gauge tourist lines while the Swiss themselves mostly use the standard-gauge government lines.

Click to download a 19.8-MB PDF of this brochure.

Scans of these 1966 brochures for two Swiss railways were sent by a Streamliner Memories reader who asked to remain anonymous. The first shows the Rhaetian Railway, which served Grison, Switzerland’s largest but most thinly populated canton. As it happens, in 2002 I rode the Rhaetian Railway through Grison, which I called “paradise.” The railway included many spirals like the Canadian Pacific’s spiral tunnels, but one of the spirals–pictured on page 9 of the brochure–was completely above ground. As the photo below shows, the spiral still exists and is used daily by red Rhaetian Railway trains.

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Nacionales de Mexico 1962 Timetable

As of 1962, when this Spanish-language timetable was published, Nacionales de Mexico (NdeM) operated most of the rail lines in Mexico, but not those in the northwestern part of the country. United States residents who wanted a rail journey to Mexico would find NdeM trains at Ciudad Juarez (opposite the border from El Paso) or Nuevo Laredo (opposite the border from Laredo). Page 2 of this timetable specifically advertises the railroad’s connection with the Missouri Pacific at Laredo on trains 1 & 2, the Aguila Azteca.

Click image to download a 27.3-MB PDF of this timetable.
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People who wanted to take a train from Calexico (not far from San Diego) or Nogales (south of Tucson) would have to take other railroads in 1962: the Ferrocarril Sonora Baja California from Calexico and the Ferrocarril del Pacifico (the former Southern Pacific of Mexico) from Nogales. Although the latter was government-owned in 1962, it was not combined with NdeM until 1984, while the former was taken over by NdeM in 1987.

Alaska Railroad Menu

In 1981, the Alaska Railroad’s train from Anchorage to Fairbanks used former Union Pacific streamlined coaches, domes, and dining cars. The cars were painted yellow–which may even have been Union Pacific Armour Yellow–and blue and the interiors still had large posters on the bulkheads showing Union Pacific passenger trains in the Columbia River Gorge and elsewhere.

Click image to download a 1.2-MB PDF of this menu.

This menu served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It offered reindeer sausage and sourdough pancakes for breakfast and salmon or halibut for dinner, but with the possible exception of the “daily chef’s special” the lunches seemed to have no special Alaska content. The menu listed some a la carte breakfast choices; otherwise, the breakfast meals were $6, lunches were $8, and dinners were $15 (about $14, $18, and $34 in today’s money).
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