Jasper Lodge Pool Train Menu

Canadian National’s 1956 timetable lists at least eleven trains in the Montreal-Toronto corridor as pool trains, meaning they shared some costs with and accepted tickets issued by the Canadian Pacific. Confusingly, for passengers, not all trains in the corridor were pool trains, so passengers with a CN ticket would have to avoid getting on, for example, CP train 352, which was an RDC.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

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Although the cover has a beautiful image of Jasper Park Lodge, the menu says nothing about the lodge, the park, or the CN trains to the park. The back cover instead advertises CN’s new passenger cars with interior images of a bedroom and a compartment. The ad says the new cars come with “special snubbing and springing,” which is a use of the word snubbing that I haven’t seen before.

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