Tiny Glacier Trails & Fishing Brochure

This 1962 brochure presents four panels and four photos of people fishing and five panels (including the cover) and seven photos of people hiking or horseback riding in the park. One of the hiking photos shows a couple eating their “tasty box lunches, packed by a park hotel.” Where the other two tiny brochures for Glacier include a tiny map of the park that fills part of one panel, this one has a large, two-panel map that shows major trails; this same map was later used in this full-sized Glacier Park brochure.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this brochure.
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This brings to twenty the number of tiny brochures that I’ve presented on this site. I know there are at least two more: one for Spokane and one for Hawaii. No doubt there are even more, and as I acquire them I’ll post them here.

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