Yet Another Three Union Pacific Menus

These are all 1971 dinner menus marked for the City of Los Angeles. The first, which is dated January, has one of my favorite Union Pacific photos of Bryce as it is in the canyon rather than taken from the rim like most others. I didn’t find this particular spot on my own visit to Bryce in 2015, but that’s probably because I was on the hiking trails and not the horse trails. We’ve previously seen this cover on a 1970 lunch menu.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.

All three of these menus are identical on the inside and include both table d’hôte and a la carte sections, possibly because UP stopped using dome diners in the last few months of its passenger operations. The entrées on the table d’hôte side include salmon, ham steak, fried chicken, and of course the special sirloin steak dinner.

The next cover features the Grand Canyon. We’ve seen this cover before on a 1971 City of Portland dinner menu.
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Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.

Finally, we have Jackson Lake and the Tetons, a cover photo we’ve seen before on a 1970 City of Portland dinner menu.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.

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