Vacations Without a Care: 1926

This little booklet summarized the five escorted tours that were described in detail in yesterday’s booklet. This booklet has an unusual design and the PDF is best viewed in two-page mode. The front cover is 6 inches wide by 5 inches high. Opening it up reveals a booklet within a booklet, with the left three inches of the front cover appearing in every spread and the left page of most spreads appear to be a continuation of the front cover.

Click image to download a 3.3-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.
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The front cover illustration is by an artist named Albert H. Winkler. I can’t find out much information about him other than that he lived in Chicago from at least the early 1920s through the late 1940s and that he illustrated Rotary magazine covers, nature books, books of bible stories, dictionaries, and cookbooks, as well as painted watercolors.

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