1930 North Coast Limited Business Card

This little booklet advertising the North Coast Limited also served as a business card for Northern Pacific’s passenger agent in Detroit, Michigan. New equipment from Pullman that was put into service on May 14, 1930 (previously featured here and here) is described and pictured in eight photos in the booklet.

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The booklet advertises the North Coast Limited‘s “Baths. Maid. Valet. Barber and beauty shop.” These were all amenities that the Oriental Limited had in 1924, so if they were new on the 1930 train, NP was a bit behind the times. The booklet also says that the train is the only all-Pullman train to the Northwest, but in fact the NP added coaches to the day-time portions of the trip in 1930, so technically it was no longer all-Pullman.

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