The General Menu

This 1952 menu was for “dinner on the General,” says the interior. Full dinners included lobster Newborn, Maryland fried chicken, Hawaiian baked smoked ham, and the classic charcoal-broiled sirloin steak, any of which came with appetizers, salad, vegetables, biscuits or rolls, dessert, and beverage. Passengers could also get spaghetti and meat sauce with salad, rolls, dessert, and beverage.

Click image to download an 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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The only entrées on the a la carte menu were a club sandwich or a chicken salad sandwich. The most expensive item was the sirloin steak dinner at $5.25, or almost $40 today. The spaghetti dinner was just $1.95, or less than $15 today.

The 1949 General

This 16-page booklet is for Pennsylvania’s secondary New York-Chicago train that, on almost any other railroad, would be the premiere train. Like the Broadway, the General was an all-Pullman train, with accommodations up to and including the master room, the largest room offered on any Pullman train. Judging from the round-tailed observation car on the cover, the 1949 General used equipment from the 1938 Broadway, which had a round-tailed obs while the 1949 Broadway had a squared-off tail car.

Click image to download an 5.9-MB PDF of this booklet.
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The booklet cover says the General featured “new all private-room sleeping cars.” But, unlike the Broadway, it wasn’t an all-room train, as page 13 of this booklet says it also featured cars with sections. But no coaches, at least not in 1949.

The 1949 Broadway Brochure

This brochure advertises the same train as yesterday’s booklet. Both have the same date–March, 1949–and use many of the same illustrations. But this one doesn’t have a lot of imitation gold, which might actually improve its appearance while making it less expensive to print.

Click image to download an 4.9-MB PDF of this brochure.

In addition to describing the various accommodations, the booklet and brochure also picture the lounge and dining cars with improbably wide aisles. At one time, most dining cars had four-person tables on one side of the aisle and two-person tables on the other; going to four-person tables on both side must have constricted aisle space. But you wouldn’t know if from these graphics, which make the aisles appear wide enough for people to walk two or even three abreast.
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The 1949 Broadway Limited

Here’s a lavish, 24-page booklet describing the 1949 edition of the Broadway Limited in detail. The booklet’s imitation gold trim conveys the notion that passengers on the train are still living in the golden age of rail travel. Most of the pages describe one of the types of rooms available on this train: bedrooms, roomettes, duplex rooms, compartments, drawing rooms, master room–no open sections for Pennsylvania’s premiere train.

Click image to download an 8.5-MB PDF of this booklet.
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Unfortunately, the gold ink somehow picked up the image of the booklet above and below it, leaving an ghostly mirror image of the front cover imprinted on the gold. But that may not have happened with all of the booklets; perhaps the reason why this one survived so well is that it was rejected by the railroad for that printer’s defect.

Pennsylvania 1946 Timetable

The Pennsylvania could match the New York Central’s trains to just about every major city in the East and Midwest except Albany, with the added bonus that Pennsylvania served Baltimore, Washington, and Philadelphia. In addition to twenty-one trains a day between New York and Washington, PRR had ten trains, plus a mail train, between New York and Chicago, five between New York and St. Louis, two between New York and Detroit, four each between Chicago and Cincinnati and between Chicago and Louisville, and many others. Though World War II had ended the previous August, PRR advertised that sleeping car service that had been “withdrawn by Office of Defense Transportation” had been restored as of March 15, 1946.

Click image to download a 33.1-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

The cover of this timetable celebrates PRR’s centennial. “Starting with a few trains a day, this growth has been continuous until now 1,340 passenger trains daily traverse the more than 10,114 miles of line of the Pennsylvania Railroad between the Atlantic and the Mississippi.” Imagine, 1,340 trains a day on just one railroad! That’s 1,000 trains more than Amtrak operates today.

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New Haven 1955 Timetable

This was quite possibly the first New Haven timetable featuring the McGinnis logo and color scheme, named for New Haven president Patrick McGinnis. Wikipedia says this was designed by McGinnis’ wife, but actually all she did was recommend Herbert Matter, who designed the logo.

Click image to download a 36.2-MB PDF of this timetable.
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The New Haven was a busy railroad in the mid-1950s, with nearly one train per hour between Boston and New York, and many more trains to Hartford, Springfield, Pittsfield, Waterbury, Cape Cod, and other New England destinations.

Boston & Maine 1946 Timetable

In 1935, Boston & Maine introduced the Flying Yankee, a streamlined train that was a copy of the Burlington’s original Zephyr. The train was used for service between Boston and Bangor, Maine.

This postcard is postmarked 1948, showing that B&M was still promoting its streamliner even when it was no longer called the Flying Yankee. Click image to download a PDF of this postcard.

The problem was that demand for travel on the Boston-Bangor route exceeded the capacity of this tiny train. In 1946, B&M ran eight trains a day on this route, all of them capable of handling more passengers than the little streamliner. That train was instead renamed the Cheshire and put on a route between Boston and Rutland, Vermont. One of the trains between Boston and Bangor was still called the Flying Yankee, but it consisted of heavyweight coaches, Pullmans, a diner, and a lounge car.
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Lehigh Valley 1958 Timetable

Lehigh Valley competed with Lackawanna and Erie railroads for New York-Buffalo traffic across southern New York and northeast Pennsylvania. In 1958, the railroad offered three daily trains to Buffalo and three more trains that went only part of the distance from New York to Buffalo. Several of the trains also served Philadelphia via a branch that departed from the main line at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Click image to download a 7.1-MB PDF of this timetable.
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Unlike Erie and Lackawanna trains, Lehigh Valley trains actually entered New York City instead of terminating at a ferry building on the New Jersey side of the Hudson River. During World War I, the U.S. Railroad Administration ordered the Pennsylvania Railroad to allow the Lehigh Valley, Baltimore & Ohio, and other railroads to use its tracks to enter New York City and Penn Station. In 1928, PRR evicted the B&O from Penn Station, but allowed Lehigh Valley to continue, probably because PRR owned nearly a third of Lehigh Valley’s stock. Lehigh Valley trains still took nearly two hours between New York and Buffalo the New York Central’s, but the smaller railroad could offer travelers from intermediate points such as Wilkes-Barre and Allentown with direct access to Manhattan.

Lehigh Valley 1941 Dinner Menu

The cover of this menu, which was provided by the same Streamliner Memories reader who supplied the 1965 New York Central timetable, features one of the railroad’s five streamlined steam locomotives. A small black diamond on the lower right discreetly reminds passengers that Lehigh Valley, like the Lackawanna, was an anthracite-powered railroad.

Click image to download a 1.7-MB PDF of this menu.

The steam locomotive shown was one of three garbed for the train called the Black Diamond, while the other two were for a train called the John Wilkes, the difference being that the steps appeared to wrap, like fins, all the way around the front of the latter while the front of the former was smooth. (My previous mention of Lehigh Valley streamlining showed a photo of a John Wilkes locomotive but incorrectly identified it as a Black Diamond.)
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Erie Blotters

The Erie Railroad was another also-ran in Chicago-New York service, unable to compete against the New York Central and Pennsylvania except in the cities that it uniquely served along the way. Some of these blotters from the Dale Hastin collection are aimed at travelers to or from those cities.

The first, and probably oldest, blotter is for Jamestown, New York and advertises three trains a day between Jamestown and New York City (really, Jersey City): the Erie Limited, Atlantic Express, and Lake Cities Express.

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