The 1949 Broadway Limited

Here’s a lavish, 24-page booklet describing the 1949 edition of the Broadway Limited in detail. The booklet’s imitation gold trim conveys the notion that passengers on the train are still living in the golden age of rail travel. Most of the pages describe one of the types of rooms available on this train: bedrooms, roomettes, duplex rooms, compartments, drawing rooms, master room–no open sections for Pennsylvania’s premiere train.

Click image to download an 8.5-MB PDF of this booklet.
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Unfortunately, the gold ink somehow picked up the image of the booklet above and below it, leaving an ghostly mirror image of the front cover imprinted on the gold. But that may not have happened with all of the booklets; perhaps the reason why this one survived so well is that it was rejected by the railroad for that printer’s defect.

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