1948 Sun Valley Breakfast Menu

Dated June 18, 1948, this menu shows two skiers instead of one and provides a somewhat closer view of the Sun Valley resort. The menu itself is for an “American Express Banner Tour,” and offers a complete meal with a limited selection of entrées for $1.50.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

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1948 Sun Valley Lunch Menu

Dated January 21, 1948, and marked on the inside for the Los Angeles Limited, which then carried the prestigious numbers 1 and 2, this is the earliest color-cover menu I have seen featuring Sun Valley. The image shows a lone skier high above the valley bottom; most later Sun Valley covers would show two or more people and be lower in elevation to better show off the lodges and other facilities.

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The menu inside features four meals–chef’s salad, ox tongue, chicken salad, and beef casserole–and numerous a la carte items including lamb chops, fried chicken, corned beef hash, Boston baked beans, and sirloin steak. This particular menu is not in my collection but its individual pages are posted on the New York Public Library’s web site, and I turned them into a PDF.

1948 Great White Throne Menu

The photo and text on this menu are nearly identical to that of a 1950 menu shown here previously. The only real difference is the 1950 menu shows a woman gazing at the scenery, while this one does not. Although the clouds are a little different, it is quite possible the two photos were taken on the same day. As with the Old Faithful menus, it is a curious puzzle why UP would publish slightly different views of the same subject when the West offered so many other stunning signs.

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The menu itself gives no indication of what train this was for. It offers six table d’hôte breakfasts and three “special combination” breakfasts, down from eight and four in a pre-war menu.

1948 Pony Express Menu

Here’s evidence, if anyone needs it, that Union Pacific did not use its color-photo, wraparound menus for all trains after 1947. This menu, for the heavyweight Pony Express, is the same size and has similar meal offerings as early color-photo menus, but the cover is dedicated to one train.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.
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As we’ll see tomorrow, the menu on the inside is identical to other 1948 Union Pacific breakfast menus. Only the outside cover design is different. The Denver-Salt Lake Pony Express operated from 1926 to 1954.

1947 Old Faithful Menu

This photo of Old Faithful somehow looks more realistic than another view that used on the cover of 1947 lunch menu. On the other hand, the clothing and hairstyles of the people in this photo will soon become dated, while there are no people to date the other photo. The real surprise, perhaps, is that Union Pacific issued two menus with different photos of the same subject in the same year.

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This one is the last of four that have identical menus on the inside. Although this one does not say what train it was used on, the other Old Faithful menu says that one was used on trains 11 & 12, the Portland-Cheyenne Idahoan (which had through cars to Chicago on the Los Angeles Limited).

1947 Orange Groves Menu

Here’s another 1947 dinner menu with an identical interior to yesterday’s and the day before that. The cover shows orange groves in the Los Angeles area.

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Text on the cover encourages people to visit California to see its four national parks, a number that has more than doubled since 1947. On the other hand, the orange groves in the photo have long since been replaced by housing developments.

1947 Hoover Dam Menu

This menu shows a brilliant view of Hoover Dam–called Boulder Dam on the menu–from below. The photo may not truly convey the awesome size of the dam, which is more than 700 feet high.

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Inside, the dinner menu is identical to yesterday’s. Neither menu lists the name or numbers of the train on which it was to be used. We know that some menus were issued that year in the name of the San Francisco Overland; it could be that menus for non-SP trains were generic or that these particular menus were for minor trains that didn’t seem to deserve their own name on the cover.

1947 Grand Tetons Dinner Menu

Here’s one of Union Pacific’s first color-photo menus, showing the Grand Tetons behind Jackson Lake. Last August 1 I posted a booklet published by Lee Paper Company advertising their paper stock by reprinting 18 Union Pacific menu covers. This made me ask how many color-photo menus Union Pacific had over the years, and I then estimated about 100, of which I had posted nearly 50.

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Since then, I’ve collected more than 40 more menus with unique wrap-around color cover photos and I’ll post one a day for the next several weeks. I’ll also post a few duplicate covers because the interior menus are different so they aren’t really duplicates. I’ve also collected images of the covers of menus not in my collection and now estimate UP published about 120 color-photo menu covers between 1947 and 1971. I’ve posted an updated checklist of all the covers I’ve been able to identify. Let me know if you have any menus that aren’t on this list.

1941 Dream Lake Breakfast Menu

Although the cover photos show Rocky Mountain National Park instead of Bryce Canyon, this menu has the same exterior format as yesterday’s. Inside is a different story, as this menu was used for a Rotary Convention and only has one meal inside: fruit or cereal, ham or bacon and eggs, hash browns, and a choice of bread and beverages for 75 cents (about $9.50 today).

Click image to download a 1.8-MB PDF of this menu.
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This menu would have been used after the 32nd annual convention of Rotary International, which took place in Denver with nearly 9,000 people attending. The particular Rotarians who used this menu were from Waverly, New York (near Binghamton), where their post was chaired by Hart I. Seely, who happened to own several local newspapers and a glove factory in Waverly.

1939 Bryce Canyon Breakfast Menu

As of a year ago today, I had posted more Union Pacific items than any other railroad, but since then Great Northern has crept ahead, with nearly 300 items vs. 250 from Union Pacific. But that’s about to change, as I’ll be posting nothing but Union Pacific items for the next two-and-one-half months.

Click image to download a 2.1-MB PDF of this menu.

This pre-war menu contrasts sharply with Union Pacific’s post-war color-photo menus. On the outside, the black-and-white photos don’t wrap around the cover, while on the inside the meal selection is somewhat greater than was typical after the war, including eight full meals rather than the five that was typical of the 1950s and 1060s. This menu is not from my collection but is a PDF of jpgs found on the New York Public Library’s What’s on the Menu? site. I’m including it here because it is in great condition and will contrast with menus I’ll be posting in the next few days.

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