Waving at the Train

Everyone loves to wave at trains as they go by, perhaps to remind ourselves of our mutual humanity while wishing that we ourselves were on the train going somewhere. Of course, some of the people on this train might wish they were sunning themselves at a Wisconsin or Minnesota lake with this bathing beauty whose swimsuit matches the color of the train.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.
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Although the train shown is one of C&NW’s 400s, this breakfast menu was used on a train going from Chicago to Denver on the first morning of the 1950 Sam Campbell tour. This tour took the C&NW to Omaha and UP to Denver, then the Rio Grande via the Moffatt Tunnel route to Salt Lake City. After visiting a copper mine in Utah, Las Vegas, and Hoover Dam, the tour spent most of the rest of its time in California.

Delightful Camping Trip

In late 1906, the Chicago & North Western completed its line to Lander, Wyoming, which may have been part of an effort for the railway to reach the Pacific. In late 1907, Union Pacific built a line to what is now called West Yellowstone. Like NP’s Gardiner and Burlington’s Cody lines, these two new lines created opportunities for tourists to enter the park in one spot and leave by another.

Click image to download a 5.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

This brochure, whose scans were provided by a Streamliner Memories reader, offers just such a tour; in fact, two tours, one entering at West Yellowstone and leaving via Lander and the other going in the reverse direction. I’ve listed this as a C&NW item because that railway’s name is prominently listed on the cover, but a close look reveals that this brochure was actually issued by Bryant Tours, the company that would guide the tour, providing tents and food along the way and a special car from and to Chicago. Continue reading

Dancing the Hokey Pokey in Sun Valley

A few days ago we had some menus from the 1950 Sam Campbell Western Wonderlands tour. This menu is from the 1949 tour, which was the second such tour offered.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

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Yosemite Park 1946 Lunch Menu

If we can believe the printer’s code of 2-25-46, this is one of the last black-and-white menus before UP introduced its color photo menu series. We’ve seen this cover before, but the back cover is different and lends a little credibility to the date.

Click image to download a 3.1-MB PDF of this menu.

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Union Pacific 825

Union Pacific’s 1943 calendar mostly consisted of photos showing how the railroad was contributing to the war effort. At least some of those photos, including this one, made it onto UP menus in a wartime patriotic series.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.

This, the January photo in the calendar, shows UP 825, a 4-8-4 Northern locomotive that is similar to the 844, which the railroad still owns and operates. While the 844 was built in 1944, the 825 was built in 1939. Their specifications are nearly identical, though the 844 weighs about 12,000 pounds more, providing more traction for the drivers. Continue reading

Red Cross 1945 Menu

The text on the back cover implies that the group of Red Cross volunteers shown in the photo was “formed” by the railroad, though in fact it only says that UP formed “many similar organizations throughout the nation.” No matter who formed them, they were “giving their time to perform a vital and painstaking task.”

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.
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This menu has a printer code of “12-10-45,” but we learned yesterday that this doesn’t mean it was printed in 1945. More likely, it was issued in 1943. Like yesterday’s, we’ve previously seen this menu cover from an image posted by the California Railroad Museum, but the scans of this breakfast menu were contributed by a Streamliner Memories reader.

Vitamins for Victory

Carrots, says the back of this menu, “are of particular importance to the air force” because they help “prevent night blindness.” In fact, that was a myth spread by the British air force to explain why it was able to shoot down so many German planes at night, when the real explanation was radar.

Click image to download a 1.5-MB PDF of this menu.

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Mormon Temple Menu in the Moderne Series

The color photograph on this menu cover also appeared on a 1927 Art Nouveau series menu, though the hand-coloring has been toned down a bit for this menu, making the sky appear less blue and the lawns around the temple less intensely green. The back cover photos on both menus are the same.

Click image to download a 2.5-MB PDF of this menu.
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The text on the back covers is also similar except for the last paragraph. The 1927 menu says, “Salt Lake City is reached via the main lines of the Union Pacific System from the east, west, north and south.” The 1935 menu says, “Salt Lake City is a convenient gateway to Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Zion, Bryce Canyon and Grand Canyon National Parks.” This probably reflects changing travel patterns: despite the Depression, national park visitation in 1935 was far higher than 1927, but more and more people were arriving by car, not train.

Grand Canyon Menu in the Moderne Series

A Streamliner Memories reader contributed scans of this 1935 breakfast menu. It has the same hand-colored front-cover photo as this 1930 menu in the Art Nouveau style. The text on the back is almost identical to the text on the 1930 menu.

Click image to download a 2.5-MB PDF of this menu.
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However, the back cover photo is different for good reason: the 1930 menu shows Union Pacific’s Grand Canyon Lodge, which burned in 1932 and (as shown in the post about the 1930 menu) looked quite a bit different after it was rebuilt. Union Pacific replaced that photo with a “natural color photograph” of the canyon, probably made using the Autochrome process. Kodachrome had been released in 1935, but not in time for this menu.

1963 Pacific Northwest & Alaska Booklet

We’ve already seen Union Pacific’s post-war tour booklets featuring the Pacific Northwest and Alaska dated 1952 and 1959. Those two had photos of the Columbia River Gorge on their covers, while this one with Mt. Hood is dated 1963.

Click any images to download a 13.4-MB PDF of this booklet.

The text of the three booklets is pretty similar. The 1952 booklet had quite a few black-and-white photos that were replaced with color by 1959. The 1963 booklet updated about sixteen photos from the 1959 booklet for no reason that I can see in particular. Union Pacific probably published slightly updated editions every year, but I’ve just collected the ones with different covers. Continue reading