City of Miami Dinner Menu

The City of Miami required four different railroads to make the 1,500-mile trip between Chicago and Miami, and Illinois Central had the longest segment between Chicago and Birmingham. The trains left Chicago/Birmingham early in the morning and arrived at the other end late in the evening, so IC served breakfast, lunch, and dinner aboard its portion of the route. It’s possible that this menu was also used for dinner on the Florida East Coast on the northbound train.

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Texas Centennial Menu

In 1936, Texas celebrated the 100th anniversary of its independence from Mexico with a world’s fair in Dallas. Despite then-still-rampant racism, the fair included a Hall of Negro Life, which presented black culture in exhibits from 32 states and DC. It also featured a presentation of Macbeth with an all-black cast directed by Orson Welles. All of the fair buildings except the Hall of Negro Life still can be found in Dallas’ Fair Park.

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Texas & Pacific commemorated and advertised the fair with this colorful menu. The front cover shows two steam locomotives that look identical, but one is numbered 600 and the other 900. Continue reading

Colorado Eagle Breakfast Menu

This beautiful if imaginary scene shows the Colorado Eagle arriving somewhere in its namesake state. Missouri Pacific tracks only went as far as Pueblo. From there, the train was turned over to the Rio Grande, which took it north to Colorado Springs and Denver.

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Southern Lunch Menu from 1970

Here’s the lunch companion to yesterday’s breakfast menu and the previous Southern Railway dinner menu from 1970. Like the breakfast menu, this one offers at least one traditional Southern specialty. Also like the breakfast, this one has several entrées that appear on both the table d’hôte and a la carte menus.

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The four entrées on this menu are fish, chopped beef steak, ham, and cheese or ham omelet. The table d’hôte meals, which cost a dollar more ($6.50 in today’s money) than the a la carte entrées, came with juice or soup, veggies, salad, dessert, and beverage. One of the desserts, a lemon ice box pie, is arguably local as it was (and is) a signature dish at Clancy’s, a popular New Orleans restaurant that goes back to the 1940s.

Rebel Breakfast

It’s always nice to have a menu that at least partly reflects local culture. This one offered a “Rebel Breakfast” consisting of a “crisp streak o’ lean bacon,” an egg, grits with gravy, bread, and a beverage. Since bacon was available anywhere (even if the colorful description wasn’t) the only local food is grits. Elsewhere the menu offered kippered herrings, corned beef hash, and country sausage, all items that could be found anywhere but might have retained their popularity a little longer in the South.

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This menu is undated but the format is similar to lunch and dinner menus from 1970. The lunch and dinner menus were dated and probably varied over the year but breakfast wasn’t dated probably because it stayed the same throughout the year. Multiply prices by 6-1/2 to get today’s dollars.

Southern Railway 1968 Dinner Menu

We’ve seen a variation of this menu cover before on an early 1971 menu. That one was printed entirely in black ink on blue paper, while this one, which is dated October 1968, is printed in blue and green ink on white paper, which is much more striking. I don’t recognize all of the plants on the cover, but the one on the left is thyme and the one in the middle might be blueberries.

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Inside it is a little disappointing to find that the menu hardly changed in three years. Both menus offered meals centered around broiled fish, roast turkey, prime rib, omelet with tomatoes, and sirloin steak. Both offered the same vegetable accompaniments except the 1968 menu listed beets while 1971 had cauliflower. Both offered exactly the same desserts and pretty much the same a la carte items. The biggest differences other than the cauliflower were that the 1971 menu listed country sausage in place of country ham and that prices were 24 percent higher in 1971 than 1968, which is a lot considering that inflation in that time period was only about 15 percent.

New Orleans and the Gulf Coast

At first glance this looks like an ordinary 8″x9″ railroad advertising booklet, printed on individual sheets that are 16″ wide. It turns out, however, that each page unfolds to be 16″ wide, so the sheets they are printed on are 32″ wide. Although it is 8 pages long, it has the same amount of space as a regular 16-page booklet. The way it is folded also ends up with the “front” cover on the back.

Click image to download a 15.3-MB PDF of this 8-page booklet.

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The Humming Bird

This 1946 brochure introduces Louisville & Nashville’s Cincinnati-New Orleans all-coach streamliner. Built by American Car & Foundry with stainless steel trim, the train included a diner, tavern-lounge, and five coaches. Though it went about the same distance as Illinois Central’s City of New Orleans, it was much slower, requiring 19 hours (48.5 mph) compared with 16 hours (57.9 mph) on the City of New Orleans.

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The 1947 Pacemaker

The Pacemaker was New York Central’s premiere all-coach train serving the New York-Chicago corridor, competing directly with Pennsy’s Trail Blazer. Like the Trail Blazer, the Pacemaker was introduced in 1939 with heavyweight equipment modified in 1941 to look streamlined, then completely re-equipped with Budd-built stainless steel cars after the war. This booklet presents the post-war train.

Click image to download a 2.9-MB PDF of this 12-page booklet.
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The New York Central considered the Pacemaker important enough to give it the coveted train numbers 1 and 2. Each coach, this colorful booklet notes, was decorated with “fine reproductions of the world’s great paintings.” The twin-unit dining car was “king size” and the train also featured two different lounge cars. The 1947 timetable indicates the train took 17 hours between New York and Chicago, the same as the all-Pullman Commodore Vanderbilt but an hour more than the 20th Century Limited.

Dinner on the Mercury

The Detroit-Cleveland Mercury was New York Central’s first streamlined train, though it was actually a heavyweight with shrouds over the steam locomotive and passenger cars to make them look streamlined. Originally introduced in 1936 and designed by Henry Dreyfuss, the train’s inverted-bathtub-style steam locomotives weren’t as nice as his later 20th Century Limited locomotives, but they impressed the Central enough to give him the contract to design the Century. More important, the train’s interiors were both cheerful and innovative.

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Despite the older equipment, the original Mercury managed to average nearly 60 mph, partly because it made only one stop, in Toledo. This dinner menu is undated, but someone has helpfully pencilled in “3/28/46,” by which date a second stop had been added, the Cleveland suburb of Linndale. Continue reading