The Original Twin Zephyrs

Yesterday’s brochure noted that the Twin Zephyrs were inaugurated in April, 1935, and each ran in the afternoon between Chicago and Minneapolis. By July, the trains had proven both reliable and popular enough for Burlington to schedule two daily round-trips. This required each train to go from one terminus to the other from 8 am to 3 pm, then back from 4 pm to midnight, allowing just one hour to turn and clean the trains.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this brochure.
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This brochure has some of the same text as yesterday’s, but adds important information such as fares, timetables, and a listing of Burlington’s other trains between Chicago and the Twin Cities. The heavyweight trains — the Black Hawk, Empire Builder, and North Coast Limited — all went overnight and took close to eleven hours each way.

Publicity Run of the Twin Zephyr

This brochure was apparently handed out on a publicity run of the original Twin Zephyr from Minneapolis to Chicago, as it notes that “Jack Ford, who piloted the first Zephyr” on its 1934 Denver-to-Chicago record-breaking trip, “will accompany the new Zephyr on its southern trip.” The brochure also notes that each of the new trains is “almost an exact counterpart or the first, the wonder train of 1934.”

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this brochure.
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The brochure brags about the stainless steel, the Diesel engine, and the air conditioning, all still fairly new concepts in 1935. It also says that the little trains will make their afternoon runs in seven hours, for an average speed of 63 miles per hour. The train’s inaugural run for paying passengers was April 21, 1935, so this brochure probably came out a few weeks before then.

We Show You California

In 1929, Burlington issued a California escorted tour booklet jointly with the Santa Fe railroad. That booklet described just one 22-day tour that went on the Santa Fe from Chicago to Los Angeles with stopovers in Santa Fe and the Grand Canyon, then on the Santa Fe to the Bay Area with a stopover in Yosemite, then a return via Western Pacific, Rio Grande, and Burlington.

Click image to download an 3.0-MB PDF of this brochure.

Santa Fe isn’t listed as a co-organizer in subsequent Burlington Escorted Tour booklets, but this 1935 brochure gives it equal billing to Burlington. The brochure describes three tours, two of which are also in Burlington’s 1935 escorted tours booklet. The two that are also in the tour booklet went the CB&Q/D&RGW/WP route from Chicago to the Bay Area and the Santa Fe route from LA to Chicago, while the one not in the booklet went the other direction. Continue reading

Century of Progress

I’ve seen this cover on booklets published by a variety of railroads, including the New York Central and Pennsylvania. This means the booklet was originally designed by the Expo, which left space for railroad logos the cover (which is actually the back cover) as well as two pages in the back for individual railroads to fill in.

Click image to download a 11.8-MB PDF of this 20-page booklet.
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In this case, the railroad is obviously the Burlington, which uses its two pages to brag about the then-relatively new (having opened in 1925) Union Station, Burlington exhibits at the fair, and “the West’s Great Trains”: the Aristocrat, the Overland Express, Ak-Sar-Ben, American Royal, Black Hawk, and Mississippi Riverview, among others. This booklet is for the fair in 1933, and the Burlington had a very different train on exhibit when the fair was extended into 1934.

Burlington Escorted Tours, 1928

We’ve already seen a 20-page booklet presenting Burlington escorted tours for 1928. This booklet advertises the same tours but it fills 60 pages (including covers), printed on fancier paper with a more-elegant cover, and its photographs (which are absent from the 20-page booklet except on its cover) are tinted with an orange color that almost gives the impression of full-color photos.

Click image to download a 31.2-MB PDF of this menu.

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NP 1963 Luncheonette Menu

This menu is dated 1963 and by this time NP has slightly simplified the border design around its menu cards, allowing printing to be done with one fewer color. The prices are higher than on yesterday’s 1959 menu but the range of items is about the same.

Click image to download a 367-KB PDF of this menu.
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While I previously suggested these menu cards were probably used in the Mainstreeter Holiday Lounge car, there was one other option. NP had a dining car on its Portland-Seattle trains that would have offered lunch on the Seattle-to-Portland trip and dinner on the Portland-to-Seattle trip. It seems unlikely that it would dedicate an entire dining car to such minimal meals, but it’s possible.

Northern Pacific Luncheonette Menu

This menu card is designed the same as yesterday’s dinnerette menu. Someone has pencilled “4-11-59” on the back, suggesting it was used on that day.

Click image to download a 367-KB PDF of this menu.
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Although the menu items are slightly different, they are similar to the dinnerette menu. Strangely, the luncheonette menu actually has more offerings than the dinnerette menu. These include a fish salad — this time salmon instead of tuna; a hot meal, this time with a choice between halibut or meat loaf; and a couple of soups (compared with one on the dinnerette), three sandwiches, and three salads (compared with two on the dinnerette).

Northern Pacific Dinnerette Menu

This menu is too brief to have been used in a full dining car and it isn’t marked “Traveller’s Rest” so it wasn’t used in that car. I suspect it was used on the Mainstreeter Holiday Lounge car, which had been the café car on the North Coast Limited before it was replaced by the Traveller’s Rest cars.

Click image to download a 367-KB PDF of this menu.
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For a dinner menu, this doesn’t offer a lot of choices: tuna salad, hot roast beef sandwich, and three other sandwiches and a couple more salads. The menu is undated but someone has pencilled “58” on the back so I presume that is the year it was used.

New Jersey Kiwanis Menu

This menu has separate pages for dinner on June 21, 1929; breakfast, lunch, and dinner on June 22; and breakfast for June 23. It doesn’t say where members of the New Jersey Kiwanis were going, but that isn’t enough meals to go from Chicago to Seattle or back, so we can make a guess that they went to Yellowstone. I have a timetable from 1926 that shouldn’t be too different from the timetables of 1929.

Click image to download a 3.0-MB PDF of this 12-page menu.

According to that timetable, the North Coast Limited left Chicago at 10:35 am, which means lunch should have been the first meal. The train left St. Paul at 10:55 pm, so breakfast would have been the first meal if the trip started there. Eastbound the train left Seattle at 9:30 am, so again lunch should have been the first meal. Continue reading

The Big Brown Holdup Bruin

A poem on the back of this children’s menu says the front portrays a “holdup bear” because his job is to “hold up the bill of fare.” The poem continues by promising to remember the children when they go to Yellowstone. The menu is undated but it came with other menus supposedly from the same trip that were dated 1927.

Click image to download a 490-KB PDF of this menu.
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Though the menu is supposed to be for “tiny tots,” one of the meals is a grilled lamb chop with apple sauce, cereal, muffins, and milk or cocoa, which is more than I usually eat for breakfast. The meals range from 40¢ to 60¢, which would be $6 to $9 in today’s money.