Burlington November 1960 Timetable

This complete timetable has all of the trains that were on the 1957 timetable of principal trains plus several more. Among the lines too minor to be considered a “principal” route were St. Louis-Rock Island, St. Joseph-Lincoln, and several mixed trains in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri.

Click image to download a 14.6-MB PDF of this 28-page timetable.
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One thing I’ve mentioned before is Burlington’s unusual way of numbering trains. Most railroads used consecutive numbers for east/north and west/south bound trains. Burlington sometimes did this: the Morning Zephyr was trains 21 & 22 while afternoon was 23 & 24. But the Denver Zephyr was 1 & 10, while the Ak-Sar-Ben Zephyr was 3 & 30. Train 2 was a Chicago-Galesburg coach train and it was paired with train 15, while the Coloradan was 6 & 19.

Burlington 1958 Pocket Calendar

Here’s a wallet-sized calendar for 1958 featuring, on the side opposite the calendar, a Burlington locomotive passing a billboard showing a map of the railroad. The locomotive shown in the photo is numbered 9945A which, judging from photos, spent much of its life hauling commuter trains in Illinois and eventually ended up working for Amtrak.

Click image to download a 346-KB PDF of this wallet-sized calendar.

The map shows all of Burlington’s main lines, including the line to Paducah, Kentucky, which is always surprising to see since I don’t expect a “western” railroad to extend east of Chicago. Burlington opened this line in 1917 when it completed the longest simple truss bridge in the world across the Mississippi River between Metropolis, Illinois and Paducah. In Paducah it exchanged a large volume of freight with the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Railway, a part of the Louisville & Nashville system.

Burlington November 1957 Timetable

This is what other railroads call a “condensed” timetable, but Burlington just calls it “schedules of principal trains.” It manages to squeeze a lot of trains into seven panels, but still leaves out a number of branch line trains.

Click image to download a 2.1-MB PDF of this timetable.
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I count eleven different zephyrs listed on this timetable, and it also lists non-zephyr trains on the same routes as the zephyrs: Chicago-Denver, Chicago-Twin Cities, Chicago-Kansas City, Minneapolis-St. Louis, and Denver-Houston. The only non-zephyr routes included are Kansas City-Billings and Denver-Billings. But the timetable devotes four panels to rail fares and sleeping car fares, information that is usually left out of condensed timetables.

Kansas City Zephyr Dinner Menu

Here’s a dinner menu with the same date, March 1956, as yesterday’s lunch menu. This one is obviously marked for the Kansas City Zephyr instead of the Nebraska Zephyr, but I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the zephyrs during that time period had similar menu offerings along with similar menu covers.

Click image to download an 892-KB PDF of this menu.

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Nebraska Zephyr Lunch Menu

In the mid-1950s, someone at the Burlington Route decided that all Zephyr menus should follow a single brand standard. This standard dispensed with beautiful cover photos of trains or scenery and enticing descriptions of places to go by train on the back. Instead, it had the initials of the train on a vertical bar and the full name of the train in script written horizontally.

Click image to download an 892-KB PDF of this menu.

Though plain in design, the menus were printed on high-quality sheets of paper 14 inches wide by 21 inches tall, then folded in half horizontally, then folded vertically. This used more paper but made it possible to print the menu on one side only. Continue reading

Burlington 1954 Dinner Menu

The illustration on this menu cover shows a Burlington E5 locomotive lettered “California Zephyr” pulling a train through Colorado’s Gore Canyon. Of course, no locomotives were ever lettered for the California Zephyr and Burlington locomotives are not likely to have ever led the CZ on Rio Grande tracks through Gore Canyon. Note that the pale green graphics show Chicago at upper left and the Bay Bridge at lower right.

Click image to download a 763-KB PDF of this menu.

The unrealistic nature of the image suggests that this illustration was made before the California Zephyr was actually put into service. I think I’ve seen it on some early menus. By 1954, when this menu came out, it was probably used only for tour groups. The group this menu was used for, the Elex Club, was an employee’s club associated with General Electric in Fort Wayne, Indiana that was taking a trip to California. Continue reading

Yellowstone Falls Twin Zephyr Menu

Here’s another Twin Zephyr menu, this one dated 1950. By that time, Burlington had replaced the 1936 Twin Zephyrs with the world’s first domeliner in scheduled service, consisting of a baggage-refreshment car, four dome coaches, a diner and dome-observation car. This menu, of course, was used in the diner.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.

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Twin Zephyrs Menu

The original three-car (including locomotive) Twin Zephyrs featured in yesterday’s brochure had 88 seats, but the trains were so popular that Burlington immediately made plans to replace them with a six-car (plus locomotive) train that had 222 revenue seats. The new trains were placed in service on December 18, 1936, just 20 months after the originals.

Click image to download a 1.4-MB PDF of this menu.

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The Superb Scenic Way to the Golden Gate

We’ve previously seen a 1941 booklet advertising the Exposition Flyer. Today’s brochure was published in 1939 to announce the inauguration of that train on June 10. The train, said the brochure, would offer “fast new thru train service” between Chicago and California.

Click image to download a 2.8-MB PDF of this brochure.

“Fast” was always relative in railroad advertising. The Exposition Flyer required about 60 hours to get from Chicago to Oakland. That was competitive with the San Francisco Overland Limited and Challenger, but not the sub-40-hour City of San Francisco or 50-hour 49er — but both of those trains only went five times a month. Continue reading

Let the Burlington Show You the West

This 1937 Burlington vacation guide features cover art by Paul Proehl (1887-1965), who I am surprised to realize I haven’t mentioned before as he did work for both Chicago & North Western and Illinois Central. An Illinois native, Proehl received a degree in architecture from the University of Illinois in 1910. Apparently bored with that, he went to art school, probably at the Art Institute, and went to work as an advertising illustrator in 1918. In 1924, he joined the Chicago illustration studio Palanske-Young.

Click image to download a 9.3-MB PDF of this 36-page booklet.

In the early 1930s, he did a series of posters for Illinois Central featuring Chicago and the Gulf Coast. Between 1938 and 1952, he painted the annual calendars as well as dining car menus for the Chicago & North Western. He also did work for, among others, Pierce-Arrow and Bridgestone Tires. He saw his work as seeking to “picture a striking, characteristic scene, and to present a considerable amount of information.” Continue reading