The Storied Northwest in 1921

We’ve previously seen several booklets about The Storied Northwest from 1922, 1923, 1927, and 1929. No doubt there were ones from the intervening years as well, but this one — based on the list of Northern Pacific agents in the back — is from 1921.

Click image to download an 5.8-MB PDF of this 28-page booklet.

It isn’t really clear what these booklets were for. Not really advertisements, they seem more oriented toward informing people who are already aboard Northern Pacific trains. Although the subtitle of this one is “along the Northern Pacific Railway,” they weren’t really along-the-way booklets either, as they focus on only a few major sights along the way. Continue reading

Eastward Through the Storied Northwest 1911

The 1911 entry into this series of booklets has different photos than the 1909 edition, but much of the text by Olin Wheeler remains. Unlike the 1909 edition, however, this one doesn’t credit Wheeler by name, probably because he retired from NP in 1908.

Click image to download an 18.5-MB PDF of this 32-page booklet.

Among the photos is a beautiful one on page 29 of the “world famous North Coast Limited.” The train is led by 4-6-2 locomotive #2162, which had 69″ drivers and produced about 31,000 pounds of tractive effort. Built in 1909, it would be superheated in 1914, several years after this photo was taken. Continue reading

On the Wings of the Wind

Instead of being about Yellowstone, Lewis & Clark, or hunting mountain goats, this 1910 Northern Pacific booklet is about the railway’s passenger trains. At the time, NP operated four daily St. Paul-Seattle trains and one train between St. Louis (via the Burlington) and Tacoma.

Click image to download a 10.1-MB PDF of this 40-page booklet.

This booklet was issued during one of the two brief periods that the North Coast Limited was an all-Pullman train, meaning no tourist sleepers or coaches. It was backed up by the Northern Pacific Express (eastbound called the Atlantic Express), which at the time was NP’s only train that went through to Chicago via the Burlington. It carried day coaches and tourist as well as Pullman sleepers and an observation-library-buffet car for the benefit of the Pullman passengers. Continue reading

Yellowstone Park Supper Menu

This 1908 menu has nothing about Yellowstone on the front cover, but the back cover has one photo each of Mammoth hot springs, Old Faithful Inn, and — for some reason — two photos of the Lake Hotel. Although designed by the architect who designed Old Faithful Inn, Wikipedia notes that the Lake Hotel is “relatively plain,” while the Old Faithful Inn is worthy as a destination itself. Perhaps the railroad (which paid for both hotels) believed that some patrons would feel more comfortable in a colonial-style building than a rustic one.

Click image to download an 898-KB PDF of this menu.

This menu is for “supper,” which is always an evening meal, whereas “dinner” means the main meal of the day which once often meant a midday meal. People who ate dinner at noon and supper in the evening generally at a lighter meal for supper. Continue reading

Eastward Through the Storied Northwest 1906

We’ve previously seen booklets of this title dated 1909 1915, and 1929. This one is from 1906, but wasn’t the first in the series as I’ve seen references to earlier editions in some of NP’s other publications. The booklet, which NP sold for a nominal 6¢ (presumably to cover postage; 6¢ in 1906 was a little more than $2 in today’s money) was designed to entice people in California to use the Northern Pacific on their eastward journeys, which required that they first take the Southern Pacific to Portland.

Click image to download an 25.6-MB PDF of this 60-page booklet from Although I’ve edited the covers to restore their original colors, if you have a slow internet connection or are short on disc space, you should download’s version as the PDF is smaller than mine.

As was typical for early 20th century advertising, the booklet is a travelogue describing the wonders people would see and side trips they could take on such a journey. The first 6 pages describe the Southern Pacific’s coast route, while the next 9 focus on the Shasta route. Northern Pacific doesn’t begin until page 20, including a ferry ride across the Columbia River as the railroad bridge wouldn’t open until 1908. The booklet reaches St. Paul on page 42, but Yellowstone was given its own four-page chapter beginning on page 43. Continue reading

Wild Flowers from the Yellowstone

At a cost of 50¢ — about $18 in today’s money — this booklet was the most expensive publication offered by Northern Pacific in 1905. However, it would have been worth it to many as it contained a dozen actual wildflowers along with a very brief description of each including its scientific name. Unfortunately, in the hundred years or so between its publication and when it was scanned, the once-colorful flowers faded into a uniform brown.

Click image to download an 5.2-MB PDF of this 44-page booklet.

This booklet is from and was scanned from an original in the Brigham Young University library. Unfortunately, the scan is missing the back cover and the pagination seems strange: the booklet includes a photo of the then-year-old Old Faithful Inn and an entire page of text about the inn, but for some reason they are separated by three pages, two of which are blank. There is no reason why the pages have to be together, but there was no reason to separate them either so it makes me wonder if the pages are in the right order. I’ve made some adjustments to the lighting and coloration of some of the pages, but haven’t changed the pagination.

People once preserved wildflowers by ironing the flowers between sheets of wax paper. The flowers retained their colors for several years, though I doubt they would have survived a century. Wax paper wasn’t commercially available until 1927 so the dozen wildflowers in this booklet were simply flattened and taped into the booklet. While anyone seeking to identify wildflowers would do better with photos or drawings, someone wanting a keepsake for their trip to the world’s first national park would have cherished this booklet.

Curiously, the flower on the booklet’s cover, which looks like some kind of buttercup, isn’t one of the dozen flowers inside. Nor are all of the dozen flowers inside even flowers: one is a fern and another is the seed floss (like dandelion floss) that appears after the flower has faded.

Wonderland 1906

This was the last Wonderland booklet produced by Olin Wheeler. It was also the shortest, at 80 pages including covers. Wheeler’s 1894 Wonderland was about 100 pages and all the others were well over 100.

Click image to download a 26.1-MB PDF of this 80-page booklet.

Although Wheeler continued to work for Northern Pacific until 1908, I can’t find any evidence that the railway published a Wonderland in 1907 or 1909. In 1910, it did publish a beautiful booklet about Yellowstone, Through Wonderland, with a dozen full-color lithographs by Haynes and text by an unnamed author. Continue reading

Wonderland 1905

Other than the gold lettering, the cover of the 1905 Wonderland booklet is more subdued than in most previous years. Inside, however, the reader is treated to an innovation: fold-out pages presenting panoramic views of Yellowstone Park and other scenes. The booklet contains four different sets of fold outs, allowing for many large photos.

Click image to download a 37.9-MB PDF of this 118-page booklet.

After I finished making a PDF of this booklet using images from, I obtained my own copy of the booklet. I based the PDF on descriptions in various libraries saying the booklet was 24 cm (9-1/2″) tall. Based on the images, I made the booklet 6.3″ wide. It turns out the booklet is actually about 6.75″ wide, but parts of the interior pages were cropped out of the images in order to avoid harming the binding. No information was lost except that the PDF is slightly narrower than reality. This is true of earlier wonderland booklets as well. Continue reading

Wonderland 1904

Either the Northern Pacific wanted a change or Alfred Lenz got tired of working in clay, so the cover of the 1904 Wonderland is this impressionistic view of a Yellowstone geyser. The painting wraps around to the back of the booklet, making Yellowstone’s Firehole Canyon look truly like a fire-filled nightmare. Unfortunately, there is no signature on the painting; Lenz is the only artist who can be identified with the Wonderland series.

Click image to download a 44.5-MB PDF of this 120-page booklet.

Inside are articles about wild game, lignite coal in North Dakota, Yellowstone, a follow-up on Northwest irrigation, and more on Lewis & Clark. The Lewis & Clark article is really about the centennial of their expedition and describes the planned Portland exposition and recent books on the explorers. Of seven books, Wheeler modestly lists his two-volume work fifth. Continue reading

Wonderland 1903

The lead article of the 1903 Wonderland covered the travels of Louis Hennepin, a Franciscan friar who in 1679 and 1680 accompanied La Salle on early explorations of what is now the Midwest. Hennepin traveled as far south as the present-day site of Hannibal, Missouri and as far west as the site if Minneapolis. He was the first European to publish descriptions of Niagara Falls as well as St. Anthony Falls.

Click image to download a 47.8-MB PDF of this 116-page booklet.

The booklet’s second chapter describes “the last of the Mandans,” a tribe of Indians that was thought to be going extinct at the time. In fact, there are still some Mandans today. Lenz’s sculpture in the chapter heading resembles a scene from the 1977 movie, Last of the Mohicans. Continue reading