Bryce/Grand/Zion Lodge Breakfast Menu

This beautiful image of Bryce Canyon was, appropriately, used for a menu in the Bryce, Grand Canyon, and Zion lodges. There’s no date, but I’ve seen the same menu cover on another menu dated 1958.

Click image to download a 1.6-MB PDF of this menu.

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Someone has written a prayer on the menu: “From mesa and mountain and valley and stream Gods wondrous love flows into me. This means peace on earth, radiant health, abundance and whatever your heart desires, Amen.” It is signed Charlotte Klein.


Bryce/Grand/Zion Lodge Breakfast Menu — 1 Comment

  1. Never see a lodge menu before, but I’ve stayed at all four lodges. Also stayed at the El Escalante in Cedar once, but that’s another whole story. By the prices, I’d guess this was sometime in the ’50’s. I stayed there in the late ’60’s and the prices were more like $3.00. Another hint is that the menu talks about bringing passengers to the UP trains in Cedar Cedar. All passenger service to Cedar stopped in 1960, and the UP transferred a many people as they could from Cedar to Lund for several years before that. Given all this, I’d guess 1956 or so.


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