1953 Children’s Menu

Burlington used this children’s menu for many years, and one variation (cover shown below) substituted the word “California” for “Burlington” on the cover. The back of the menu has some self-serving nursery rhymes (“Jack and Jill went up the hill, a silv’ry train to spy, Said he to her, “You saw that blur? The Zephyr just went by.”)

Click image to download a 0.6-MB PDF of this menu.

The menu itself was rather Spartan, at least in this edition. Breakfast was juice or cereal, egg, bacon, and wheat cakes, milk or cocoa for 50 cents (about $3.50 today). Lunch was hamburger & fries or peanut butter & jelly sandwich and a chocolate milk shake (about $5 today). Dinner was soup, fried fish, roast beef, or two drumsticks, pie or ice cream, and milk or cocoa for a dollar (about $7 today).
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The California Zephyr children’s menu was nearly identical to the Burlington one. Click image for a larger view.

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