Pennsylvania September 1957 Timetable

In 1955, Pennsylvania’s timetables shrank from 56 to 52 pages, which is the size of today’s timetable. It’s difficult to see what’s missing, as the tables have been reorganized and renumbered. A few branchline trains that were running in 1954 may have stopped in 1955.

Click image to download a 26.1-MB PDF of this 52-page timetable.

Although Grif Teller did calendars for PRR in 1957 and 1958, the railroad stopped using his paintings on its timetable covers after 1956. This probably an economy decision: along with Missouri Pacific, PRR was one of the only railroads to use four-color illustrations on its timetables. Indeed, to save money, the Grif Teller painting used on the March 1956 timetable was printed in black-and-white.

After March 1956, PRR printed black-and-white photos on several timetables, including October and December 1957. Today’s timetable, however, used the back cover illustration shown above. The front cover was an ad for PRR’s New York-Washington service, which offered “40 trains daily” (which meant 20 trains each way).

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