Burlington January 1952 Timetable

This timetable was issued three months after yesterday’s and very little changed in that time. The back cover ad is identical to yesterday’s. The times of major trains are pretty much the same. The Black Hawk and Western Star are still combined between Chicago and St. Paul.

Click image to download a 23.8-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.

At least Western Star passengers could take a train from Chicago to west of Minneapolis without changing cars. Passengers on Northern Pacific’s secondary transcontinental, the Alaskan, had to change trains in St. Paul. Burlington timetables noted the closest connection westbound was train 49, Burlington’s number for the Empire Builder. It must have felt depressing to transfer from the cheery, bright interiors of Great Northern’s greatest train to the dull heavyweights of Northern Pacific’s secondary train. Eastbound Alaskan passengers could take train 22, the Morning Zephyr, to Chicago or points in between.

I am grateful to Burlington enthusiast Bryan Howell for providing the scans of this timetable to fill in this gap in my collection of CB&Q timetables.

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