Midsummer Night’s Dream Dinner Menu

Austrian theater and film director Max Reinhardt staged A Midsummer Night’s Dream for five nights at the Hollywood Bowl in September, 1934, and then five nights at the San Francisco Opera House and two nights at UC Berkeley in October. The plays featured many famous stars including James Cagney, Dick Powell, Olivia de Havilland, Mickey Rooney, and Joe E. Brown.

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These plays are described on this menu, which otherwise is much like yesterday’s. Unmentioned is the fact that Reinhardt first staged this play on Broadway in New York City in 1927. Curiously, Reinhardt didn’t speak English and had to have a translator for all of his directions.

The Hollywood Bowl staging was successful enough that Reinhardt was given a contract to turn it into a movie. The movie was less successful but was nominated for three Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won two, for Best Cinematography and Best Film Editing. Amazingly, it wasn’t nominated for Best Cinematography but won on a write-in vote–after which the Academy banned write-in votes.

Completely unrelated, the menu also has a photo of a waterfall in Yosemite Park. Like yesterday’s, this was a sample menu only and not actually used in a dining car.

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