Rose Festival Dinner Menu

This is a flimsy paper menu that wasn’t actually used as a menu but as a come-on to get people to go to the dining car. The menu side says it is a sample menu that illustrates the type of food served in the diner “but not the exact dishes being served today.”

Click image to download a 691-KB PDF of this menu.

I’ve posted one menu like this before, but it didn’t have that disclaimer so I thought it was actually used in a dining car. I have seen one that was marked for a trip of the University of Southern California to Pittsburgh (for a football game?), so apparently sometimes these were used as real menus.

This one isn’t specifically dated, but it devotes one panel to the “twenty-sixth annual Portland Rose Festival,”06 noting that the festival’s grand parade would take place on Thursday, June 14. That dates it to 1934.

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