Meals on Wheels Breakfast Menu

Here is Canadian National’s entry into the competition for the most-boring dining car menu cover of the post-war era. The menu is a la carte with an insert for “club breakfasts,” meaning table d’hôte breakfasts for 75¢, $1.25, or $1.50. The 75¢ breakfast is what would later be called a continental breakfast: juice or cereal, bread or muffins, and coffee, tea, cocoa, or milk. The more expensive ones have fish or the usual egg dishes.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

The inside pages, including the insert, all use the phrase “Meals on Wheels” at the top. Today, meals on wheels is a program that aims to help feed seniors who want to live at home but can no longer cook their own meals. When this menu was printed Canadian National was referring to dining car meals, as if everyone didn’t know that dining cars were on wheels.

The menu is undated, but based on prices is from around 1949. If so, multiply prices by 9-1/2 to convert to today’s U.S. dollars.

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