Royal York Dining Car Menu

This menu advertises Toronto’s Royal York Hotel, the largest in the CP hotel chain and, in fact, the largest in the British Empire at the time. The menu was used in the dining car of CP’s premiere passenger train, the Dominion.

Click image to download a 1.0-MB PDF of this menu.

The menu is undated, but we have two clues. First, the back of the menu lists 17 Canadian Pacific hotels. As I discovered for another menu, the only years in which CP owned 17 hotels were 1931 to about 1935.

Second, the price of lamb chops was 35 cents for one and 65 cents for two. I have a 1936 menu with those prices, and higher prices in a 1931 menu. Thus, the prices must have dropped between 1931 and 1936. This menu must have been used sometime between 1932 and 1935.

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