Maligne Lake 1955 Dinner Menu

This menu has the same photo that was on a 1951 menu shown here a few days ago. It was tucked into yesterday’s 1955 Jasper Park booklet, so must have been collected by the same traveler.

Click image to download an 506-KB PDF of this menu.
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The 1955 menu has one more course than the 1951 menus, though it is only celery, radishes, and mixed olives. This was followed by fruit or juice; soup; the main course; salad; dessert; a cheese board; and beverage. In addition to potatoes and vegetables, the main course included a choice of eight entrĂ©es with appetizing names such as “Broiled Fresh Halibut Steak, Cole Slaw Mexicaine” and “Fruit Plate Chantilly, Buttered Brown Bread.” Chantilly (a flavored whipped cream) also came on one of the desserts, a pear pie. Other desserts were mocha cake, frozen puff with chocolate sauce, and peach Melba.

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