Hotel Frontenac List of Salads

This unusual folder looks like a menu, but inside is filled with tiny type listing and briefly describing 76 different named salads. I’ve only heard of two of them: Nicoise and Waldorf. Several others may have Canadian Pacific connections, including Alberta, Alexandra, Chateau, Dufferin, Frontenac, and Louise.

Click image to download a 1.2-MB PDF of this menu.
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The descriptions are too brief to be recipes. For Nicoise, it says “lettuce, diced potatoes 3 pieces tomato, string beans, pimentos.” To me, a Salad Nicoise includes tuna, hardboiled eggs, Nicoise olives, and a Dijon mustard dressing, so the description here is pretty oversimplified. Since there are no prices, and the menus we saw yesterday had their own lists of salads, I’m unsure what this folder was used for. This came with yesterday’s menus, so I date it to 1937.

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