Great Northern 1969 Condensed History

The first 10 pages of text in this booklet are almost identical to those in the 1963 edition shown here a few days ago. New information has been added to the last page or so.

Click image to download a 8.1-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.

There’s an interesting difference in typefaces. The 1963 edition looks like it is double-spaced typewritten, but a close scrutiny reveals it used a proportional-spaced font (i.e., “w” is wider than “i”). IBM Selectrics were introduced in 1961, but couldn’t use proportional-spaced fonts until many years later, so these pages must have been printed some other way.
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The 1967 edition uses the familiar Courier mono-spaced font, printed single-spaced. But it also has small leads every few paragraphs that are obviously type set. If they were going to type set the leads, why not the rest? As it is, the use of Courier makes it appear the document was prepared in haste, when the fact that most of the text is identical to the 1963 version shows that it was not. It seems like a curiously poor design choice.

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