Portland to Los Angeles in 1961

On the day after Christmas in 1960, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Munsell and a third person took a trip from Portland to Los Angeles, via Martinez, and back. This ticket envelope says they left Portland at 7:45 am, which would mean the Shasta Daylight. In Martinez they had a three-hour layover before taking the Owl to Los Angeles.

Click image to download a 1.3-MB PDF of this envelope.

This is the story told by this ticket envelope and accompanying tickets (only one of which I’ve reproduced here as the other two are pretty similar). This envelope closely resembles a 1967 envelope shown here previously, except that the paint schemes on the locomotives in the illustration were changed to the SP “Bloody Nose” design in the 1967 version.

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The ticket itself is a little booklet with a blue-and-yellow cover, which is not reminiscent of any SP color scheme. The inside front cover says “Welcome Aboard” in a beautiful script font that actually makes me feel welcome.

Stapled to the ticket are baggage receipts telling us that they returned from Los Angeles to San Francisco on the Coast Daylight on December 30 and from Oakland to Portland on the Shasta Daylight on December 31. That suggests they spent just two days in Los Angeles. Do you suppose they visited Disneyland? If the third person is a child, they didn’t get a family fare as each person paid $65.99 for the round-trip fare.


Portland to Los Angeles in 1961 — 1 Comment

  1. They also occupied a Section aboard the southbound Owl from Martinez to Los Angeles– the ticket reads “Lower 12, Car 584.” The date stamp seems to indicate that this trip may have occurred in 1960, rather than 1961. You are correct about only two full days in LA– they would have arrived on the Owl late on the morning of the 27th, and left aboard the Coast Daylight early on the morning of the 30th. What a fabulous trip! The Oregon Cascades, the ride over Tehachapi, and the California Coast, all in less than a week.

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