This elaborate, comb-bound booklet says that it is “Compliments of the Union Pacific Railroad,” suggesting it was given to Sun Valley Lodge guests, or maybe VIPs. Printed in February, 1954–too late for the railroad to give it to customers as Christmas gifts–the booklet includes calendars for 1954, 1955, and 1956 in the back. Diary pages list days of the month without specifying weekdays, so the book–which is more of an appointment calendar than a diary–could be used in any year.
Click image to download a 27.5-MB PDF of this 84-page booklet.
Each month begins with a page briefly describing the type of activities that would take place in Sun Valley during that month, followed by a page with a full-color photo or photos. Four more pages provide room for eight days each with space for morning, afternoon, and evening entries. In addition to the three annual calendars, the last few pages provide room for “notes.”
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This could have been a pretty generous gift in the days before computers kept track of everyone’s calendars. But who, given one of these, would actually use it up? It would seemingly be a shame to mar the beauty of the book with actual entries. Yet appointment calendars like this were once common Christmas gifts and people regularly used them and threw them away at the end of each year.