Missouri Pacific 1966 Timetable

Missouri Pacific was down to a two dozen daily trains (a dozen in each direction) in 1966. The railroad had dropped all but three of its named trains, and two of those names were really the same train while one name was applied to three separate trains.

Click image to download a 3.4-MB PDF of this timetable.

The Texas Eagle, trains 1 & 2, still ran on the railroad’s premiere route from St. Louis to San Antonio and featured sleepers, a diner, and a dome car. At least part of the train continued to Laredo (and into Mexico) as the Aztec Eagle, but it was still numbered trains 1 & 2. Coach-only 3 & 4 connected St. Louis with Fort Worth, while trains 7 & 8 went to Fort Worth with a “grill-coach” and continued with just coaches to El Paso as trains 27 & 26. Continue reading

Texas & Pacific 1960 Timetable

The Texas & Pacific basically consisted of a line from New Orleans to El Paso, which was probably viable in 1960 only because it was a part of the larger Missouri Pacific system. The railroad offered two passenger trains on this route: the Louisiana Eagle, which left New Orleans at 8 pm and arrived in El Paso 27-3/4 hours later; and the Louisiana Daylight, which was in daylight from New Orleans to Dallas but overnight from Dallas to El Paso, taking more than 30 hours. The Eagle had sleeping cars from New Orleans to Fort Worth, while the Daylight was coach-only for its entire length.

Click image to download a 2.6-MB PDF of this timetable, which has the equivalent of four 8″x9″ pages.
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Both trains connected (but did not exchange through cars) with Southern Pacific trains to Los Angeles at El Paso. In Dallas, the Louisiana Eagle was also merged with part of the Texas Eagle, while the Daylight was merged with a train that the T&P timetable called the Westerner, but the MP timetable called the Southerner. The timetable doesn’t say anything about streamlining, but by 1960 most equipment was probably streamlined. Both trains offered a “dining-lounge car,” but only between Fort Worth and New Orleans, which meant that it served all meals on the Daylight but only one or two on the Eagle.

Missouri Pacific 1960 Timetable

In 1960, MP had four trains a day between St. Louis and Kansas City. One, the Missouri River Eagle, continued to Omaha, while another, the Colorado Eagle, continued to Pueblo with a connection at Kansas City with the Los Angeles-bound Golden State. A third train, the Missourian, connected with another Rock Island train, once called the Californian but by 1960 unnamed, to Los Angeles.

Click image to download a 22.1-MB PDF of this 36-page timetable.
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MP also had three trains between St. Louis and Dallas-Ft. Worth: the Texas Eagle (which went on to San Antonio), the Southerner, and the Texan. The Valley Eagle connected Houston with Brownsville, Texas. Other named trains included the Orleanean and Houstonian, which provided twice-daily service between Houston and New Orleans; the Pioneer, which also served the Houston-Brownsville line; the Louisiana Sunshine Special, once MP’s most-popular train, which connected St. Louis and New Orleans; and the San Antonio-Mexico City Aztec Eagle. Only the Eagle trains are advertised as being streamlined, but most of the other trains probably had some streamlined equipment.

Texas & Pacific 1959 Menu

Texas & Pacific was controlled or owned by Missouri Pacific for most of its existence until the two finally merged in 1976. Although they kept separate corporate identities before the merger, T&P streamlined trains were, like MoPacs, called “eagles” and wore the same blue-and-silver colors. This menu was probably used on the Louisiana Eagle, the only T&P train that used the eagle name.

Click image to download a 1.1-MB PDF of this menu.
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The menu includes seven table d’hôte entrées, although two of them–sirloin steak with onion rings and t-bone steak–are nearly identical. The others are prime ribs, pork chops, fried chicken, roast turkey, and gulf trout, which could mean any of three different species of sea-going trout. The trout, chicken, and turkey join a Spanish omelette and various sandwiches on the a la carte side. Price range from 85 cents (about $5.50 today) for a cheese sandwich to $4.50 (about $29 today) for the complete sirloin steak dinner.

Missouri Pacific Post-War Blotters

Here are three more Missouri Pacific/Texas & Pacific blotters from Dale Hastin’s collection. The first has a 1947 calendar on it, which means it was probably printed in 1946.

This blotter is somewhat premature. The first Eagle streamliner was inaugurated in 1940, but as far as I can tell none used Texas & Pacific routes until 1948.

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Cool, Clean, Safe, Fast

Here are four more Missouri Pacific blotters from the Dale Hastin collection. They all have the “Service Institution” slogan and none mention the Eagle streamline, which was inaugurated in 1940, so I suspect they are from before 1940.

Other than the message that “All Principal Trains [Are] Air Conditioned,” the blotters do little more than give an impression of service, so there is not much I can say about them either other than click on any image to download a PDF of the blotter.

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MP Air Conditioning

These blotters from the Dale Hastin collection tell a story of the progressive installation of air conditioning in MP’s passenger fleet.

This blotter is from early in the air conditioning era as it indicates that only diners and lounges were air conditioned. That would put it around 1932, the year before the Sunshine Special was fully air conditioned.

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A Service Institution

Before World War II, the Missouri Pacific loved to use the thrilling and completely meaningless motto, “A Service Institution.” These blotters all appear to be from the pre-air conditioning era, which would put them in the 1920s or early 1930s. All are from the Dale Hastin collection. Click any image to download a PDF of that blotter.

Inaugurated in 1915 to connect St. Louis with Texas cities, the Sunshine Special was Missouri Pacific’s premiere train until introduction of the Texas Eagle in 1948. The train connected with Mexican trains at Laredo and with Southern Pacific trains at El Paso.

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Colorado by Missouri Pacific in 1930

Where the Burlington and Union Pacific reached Colorado in Denver, and the Rock Island in Denver and Colorado Springs, the Missouri Pacific extended to Pueblo. So it isn’t surprising that the maps on pages 24 and 26 of this booklet make it appear that the Pueblo gateway to the West provided the most direct, least circuitous route, at least from St. Louis.

Click image to download a 20.0-MB PDF of this 28-page booklet.
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The book has numerous black-and-white photos, trimmed in cyan, of a variety of Colorado scenes. Near the back of the book are also some photos of Salt Lake City and California, all accessible via the Scenic Limited and other trains that traversed the MP, Rio Grande, and Western Pacific, railroads once held together by George Gould.

The Southern Belle

Completed in 1897, Kansas City Southern‘s line from Kansas City to Port Arthur, Texas, may have carried a lot of freight, but it didn’t attract many passengers. However, in 1939 KCS merged with the Louisiana & Arkansas Railway, creating a through line from Kansas City to New Orleans. To take advantage of this route, on September 2, 1940, KCS inaugurated the Southern Belle, whose average speed over the route was 40 miles per hour.

Click image to download a 340-KB PDF of this postcard.

Although advertised as a streamlined train, initially at least it was only partially streamlined, as the sleeping cars were rebuilt heavyweights. The 1941 Pullman advertisement below makes it appear that Pullman built an entire train including cafe, bar, and lounge-observation cars, when in fact they were all the same car. Altogether, Pullman built only eight cars for the initial two train sets: a baggage car, two coaches, and the diner/observation car for each set.

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