Missouri Pacific December 1953 Timetable

We’ve previously seen a 1955 timetable that included an article on the Pony Express, which it described as one of a series of “historic landmarks in the MoPac empire.” Today’s edition begins moving in that direction with a four-color article on the Iron Mountain Railroad, a part of the MP system that celebrated a centennial in 1953.

Click image to download a 24.6-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

Like the landmarks page from 1955, the collage of illustrations on this page is signed “Keil.” I wasn’t certain before but now I am that this refers to John Mullan Keil (1922-2017), a New York advertising executive and artist.

Keil was born in Rochester, NY and served as a bombardier during World War II. He then earned a degree in economics from the University of Rochester, tried to start an acting career, and when that failed he became a writer and artist for a series of advertising agencies. During the 1950s, he was working for Needham & Grohmann, and it is quite possible that this agency was the reason why MP timetables of that decade were so entertaining. Keil’s Mad Men career was noteworthy enough to deserve an obituary in the New York Times.

Of the eight full-color pages in the timetable, the other one most relevant to passengers is the inside front cover, which advertises the reclining seats in Eagles coaches. The picture doesn’t show that the seats had leg rests. Though comfortable, they would have been disappointing compared with coach seats on other western overnight trains.

Missouri Pacific January 1953 Timetable

The color page before the centerfold map features Mississippi. This was number 10 in the state series and since MP served 11 states, timetable writers would have one more edition before they would have to make more creative use of these four-color pages.

Click image to download a 25.8-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

The inside front cover was an ad for generic Eagles while the page after the centerfold map bragged that MP was making 1,000 new box cars in its own shops. The inside back cover was back to a boring listing of freight schedules. Continue reading

Missouri Pacific September 1952 Timetable

The inside front cover of this timetable advertises “beautiful new planetarium-dome coaches” for the Texas Eagle. The illustration accompanying the ad strangely shows saguaro cactus, which doesn’t grow anywhere in Missouri Pacific territory.

Click image to download a 24.7-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

The page before the centerfold map features Oklahoma, which it says is “no. 9 in a series of color pages featuring the states served by Missouri Pacific lines.” The centerfold map shows that, including Tennessee, which MP reached only by entering Memphis, and Mississippi, which MP reached only by entering Natchez, the railroad went through eleven states, so there must have been eleven in this series. Continue reading

Missouri Pacific June 1952 Timetable

After five years of the magazine-style timetable format, Missouri Pacific was becoming a bit repetitious. The inside front cover advertised generic Eagles trains. The first full-color article (the page before the centerfold map) was on Nebraska, with a note saying this was “No. 8 in a series of color pages featuring the states served by Missouri pacific Lines.” But Nebraska had also been covered in an article in the May 1948 edition.

Click image to download a 26.6-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

The page after the centerfold map described a Diesel shop that MP had built in Kansas City. While this was new territory for the four-color pages, it also would have a limited audience among rail passengers. Continue reading

Missouri Pacific November 1948 Timetable

For November, Missouri Pacific made a small change to the front cover. Instead of red and black, the strip on the bottom of the cover is printed in yellow and black. This is a lot easier to read.

Click image to download a 26.8-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

As usual, the inside front cover is a full-color ad for a train, in this case the St. Louis-Galveston Texas Eagle, which MP had introduced on August 15. I’m sure it was no coincidence that Santa Fe had introduced its Chicago-Galveston Texas Chief earlier in the year on April 8. Continue reading

Missouri Pacific May 1948 Timetable

Full page, four-color articles in this issue describe America’s wheat belt (which only slightly overlapped with Missouri Pacific routes), San Francisco, the Royal Gorge route to California, and outdoor music concerts in St. Louis. The inside front cover announces that Missouri Pacific will introduce four streamlined Texas Eagles “by the end of this summer.”

Click image to download a 27.5-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

Page 6 has a black-and-white photo of a curve-glass dome car built by Budd for the Colorado Eagle. While Burlington called its Budd domes “Vista-Domes,” in this ad Missouri Pacific introduced the term “Planetarium coaches.” Continue reading

Missouri Pacific September 1947 Timetable

Missouri Pacific issued four timetables a year, so April 1947 was probably the second magazine-style timetable issued by the railroad and this was the third. While the April issue had full-page, four-color articles about Denver and St. Louis, this one has similar articles about Little Rock, New Orleans, and San Antonio. It also has half-page articles, with one color used for tints, about Hot Springs, Pueblo, and Texarkana.

Click image to download a 28.0-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

The back cover is a four-color article encouraging people to visit the St. Louis Historical Society Museum. Oddly, considering how much creativity went into the rest of the timetable, the inside front cover of both this one and the previous one are similar but not quite identical advertisements for through cars between Texas and New York or Washington. Continue reading

Missouri Pacific March 1948 Timetable

This edition of MP’s magazine-style timetables had color photographs accompanying full-page articles about Omaha, Dallas, Salt Lake City, and (on the back cover) Mexico. Another article includes recipes for oyster bisque, creole potatoes, and pumpkin pie “recommended” by Missouri Pacific chefs.

Click image to download a 28.8-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

In addition to the full-color pages, some pages are tinted in green and yellow. Articles on these pages briefly describe Louisiana, Natchez, Fort Smith Arkansas, and Hutchinson, Kansas. Continue reading

Missouri Pacific April 1947 Timetable

Over the next several months I am going to present around 150 timetables, including more than 50 from the Burlington Route, more than 30 from the Rock Island, and more than 50 from a variety of other railroads. But first I have several of the Missouri Pacific timetables that featured this image of an Eagle streamliner on the cover.

Click image to download a 28.5-MB PDF of this 48-page timetable.

I’ve noted previously that Missouri Pacific timetables from 1947 through mid-1957 were unusual in their extravagant use of color. These were preceded by quite ordinary timetables including one we’ve seen from February 1946 and a similar one I’ve seen dated July 1946. The first that I’ve seen that has the same Eagle cover shown here was dated November 1946. Continue reading

The Land Where the World Stays Young

Today’s booklet, which is marked 1929, is clearly a different edition of the one posted here yesterday. Some of the photos are different, the layout is different, the back cover image (shown below) is different, but much of the text is the same in the two booklets.

Click image to download a 12.3-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.

As in yesterday’s booklet, the cover image only covers two-thirds of the 9″x12″ publication, with the other third used to list White Pass officials and agents. Unlike yesterday’s image, this one has a full range of colors and is signed Segesman. We’ve previously seen three other booklets and a brochure from the White Pass Route whose covers were illustrated by John Segesman (1899-1985), a Spokane native who studied art in Seattle. Continue reading