Alaska, Atlin and the Yukon

I’ve presented this booklet before from an edition on Whoever scanned it for cut the cover image in half. I tried to restore it, with less-than-perfect success, then compounded the problem by putting the back cover on the front. Today, I’m rectifying these problems by posting one that I recently acquired.

Click image to download a 10.4-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.

I had dated the one to 1923, but I have no idea where I got that since dated it to 1910. That’s obviously wrong because the booklet refers to 1918 in the past tense, but I can’t find any reason to pin it down to 1923. Tomorrow, I’ll post a different version that is clearly marked 1929, and to be conservative I am tentatively dating this one to 1928. Continue reading

Jasper Lodge 1967 Dinner Menu

The photo on the cover of this menu is reminiscent of the image on the 1937 menu presented here a couple of weeks ago. The difference is that the original lodge was shown on the earlier menu while this one has the new lodge that had been built in 1953 after the fire destroyed the original one on July 15, 1952.

Click image to download a 2.0-MB PDF of this menu.

Although most of the Jasper Lodge menus shown here have been cards, this one is not only a folder, it is especially elaborate in that the menu itself is printed on a separate piece of paper that is inserted into the folder. This makes the entire document 8 pages long, although the outside pages of the menu are blank. The menu page is also a little smaller than the cover, so bits of the inside covers are visible when the menu is open. Continue reading

Trinidad 1952 Dinner Menu

The cover painting on this menu reminds me of what I call the region series of menus because there is one for the Atlantic provinces, Ontario, the prairie provinces, the Rockies, and British Columbia. The region series menus I’ve seen are dated 1948 and 1949 while this menu is from 1952. At 6″x9″, this steamship menu is also a little smaller than the 6-3/4″x10″ dining car menus of the region series, but I suspect they were all painted by the same in-house artist.

Click image to download a 938-KB PDF of this menu.

Dated November 19, the menu was probably used on a winter cruise rather than a regularly scheduled voyage. The left inner page is a programme of mainly classical music (probably recorded). The dinner menu on the right included a choice of four appetizers, three soups, two fish, three entrées, two vegetables, browned or mashed potatoes, a joint course of prime rib, salad, dessert, cheese and fruit, and demitasse. Continue reading

Jasper National Park 1948 Brochure

Intensely decorated with red and yellow on one side, but only yellow on the other, this brochure also has an image of Jasper Park Lodge that resembles, but is not identical to, the one on a 1937 menu shown here a few days ago. With advances in color photography between 1937 and 1948, it is more likely that this is an actual color photo while the 1937 image was probably a colorized black-and-white photo.

Click image to download an 2.2-MB PDF of this brochure.

The brochure lists a sampling of many of the activities popular in Jasper Park, including motor drives, saddle trips, hiking, and mountain climbing. It notes that people could also buy one- to four-day all-expense tours that included meals, lodging, and motor drives. Saddle trips were $5 a day; lodging on the American plan (meals included) was $20 a day for two without a bath and $26 with. Multiply prices by ten to approximate today’s U.S. dollars.

Bermuda and the West Indies

In an effort to keep British possessions in the Caribbean loyal to the mother country rather than the much-closer United States, Canada agreed to offer steamship service to the West Indies. This was farmed out to Canadian National just about as soon as the railway was created in 1919. For a time CN also had ships from Canada to Australia, but these lost so much money that those routes were abandoned.

Click image to download a 4.1-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet.

In addition to merchant marine, CN offered cruises to the West Indies. This booklet generally describes 11 of the most important Caribbean ports reached by CN ships from Halifax (in winter) or Montreal (in summer). The booklet is nicely decorated with some pages printed in red and silver and others in blue and gold.

Mount Edith Cavell 1947 Lunch Menu

We’ve previously seen paintings of Mount Edith Cavell on the cover of a 1927 dining car menu and on various CN booklets used to advertise Jasper Park. Based on the date, the image on this menu appears to be a color photograph, but it could be a colorized black-and-white photo.

Click image to download an 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

The unpriced lunch menu offers lots of choices: three appetizers, three soups, eight entrées, two vegetables, three kinds of potatoes, five desserts, and no beverages. The only thing missing is a salad.

Indian Chief and Canadian Mountie Menu

This menu was used at a 1947 conference of the National Life Insurance Company of Montpelier, Vermont. The illustration shows an obviously staged and heavily colorized photo of an Indian and a Royal Canadian Mountie and their horses, with the Indian submissively dismounted while the Mountie disdainfully looks away.

Click image to download a 224-KB PDF of this menu.

The National Life Insurance Company must have been especially cheap as this menu offers absolutely no options: one appetizer, one soup, one entrée, one style of potato, one mix of vegetables, no salad, one dessert, and one beverage. Tea wasn’t even offered as an alternative to coffee, though I suspect someone who really wanted it could probably have gotten it at no extra charge. The dessert, African puff glace, was probably similar to what New Orleanians call beignets, or puff pastries, and the glace was probably a sweet sauce. Continue reading

A Century of Railway Progress

Canadian National Railways wasn’t even 30 years old in 1947. However, its earliest predecessor, the Montreal and Lachine Rail Road, made its inaugural trip in 1847, giving CN the excuse for publishing this booklet.

Click image to download a 5.0-MB PDF of this 16-page booklet. Click here to download a PDF of the full front-and-back cover of this booklet.

This is less a history book than a book about the changes in technology between 1847 and 1947. In 1847, the Montreal and Lachine may have been using the latest in technology with a 4-2-2 locomotive (only a few of which were built before 1850) and wooden carriages that were slightly advanced beyond the stagecoaches-on-rails that characterized the first steam railways. The same could not be said for Canadian National in 1947, which was still using steam instead of Diesels and semi-streamlined but heavyweight passenger cars instead of lightweight streamlined cars. Continue reading

On the Way 1939 Dinner Menu

Today’s menu is dated August 22, the day after yesterday’s lunch menu. The colorized photograph shows one of the McLaughlin-Buicks that the lodge owned to give people tours of the park. McLaughlin Motors was a Canadian automobile manufacturer that merged into General Motors in 1918.

Click image to download a 256-KB PDF of this menu.

After writing that yesterday’s lunch menu had a greater variety of soups and entrées (3 and 7 vs. 2 and 6) than the dinner menu from the day before, today’s dinner menu has three soups and seven entrées. The entrées included sole chicken a la king; lamb casserole; broiled ham; broccoli and fried egg; beef tenderloin; and cold lamb and turkey. The orange meringue pie and arctic roll desserts sound especially tempting.

Athabaska (?) Falls 1939 Lunch Menu

We’ve previously seen this photo on a 1940 dinner menu. This one was used for lunch on August 23, 1939. The 1940 menu labeled the photo “Sunwapta Falls” while this one calls it “Athabaska Falls.” These are two different waterfalls, and based on comparative photos it appear this one is labeled in error and the falls in the picture are Sunwapta Falls.

Click image to download an 1.3-MB PDF of this menu.

Like the menus shown in the previous few days, this one had an ad for the new Hotel Vancouver glued in the upper left corner, which I photoshopped out. Unlike other Jasper Lodge menus we’ve seen in which the lunch menus had more choices than dinner, this one has fewer choices than the 1940 Sunwapta Falls dinner menu, but not by much.