NP Dude Ranches

This booklet has the same out dimensions as yesterday’s (about 8-1/2″x11″), but is 16 pages long. Nine pages describe what dude ranches are like; two list well over 100 dude ranches, their locations, and typical daily rates, while a two-page map of Montana and Wyoming shows their locations. One page describes the North Coast Limited while the front and back covers show full-page photos.

Click image to download an 10.6-MB PDF of this booklet.
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The booklet is undated but the page on the North Coast Limited brags about the comfort of air conditioning, so it must be from 1935 or 1936. While the interior pages are attractive, the blackness of the front and back covers (the back shows a cowboy against a black background) is questionable. Wouldn’t it have been better to show off the region’s sunshine and light?


NP Dude Ranches — 1 Comment

  1. The NP map shows the Rosebud branch to Colstrip. I believe this brunch was built in the early 20’s, so the brochure has to be later than that. Air conditioned trains certainly puts it sometime in the late 30’s, so that’s probably a good guess. As usual with the NP, the pictures are a mix of scenes that clothing would date from the 20’s to the 30’s. The prices for the dude ranches are surprisingly steep. It looks like most are in the $50 a week range, so I suspect the prices at least are from the just before the war era, when the Depression was over and prices were rising pretty fast. It seems like half the pictures show a bunch of people sitting on a fence, which must have been popular then. Did you notice the little sleight of hand the NP pulled in the first paragraph? You arrive from Chicago to Montana the next morning…”but one”, which really means it’s the second morning. They so state later in the brochure, but the wording is just this side of deceptive if you’re not reading carefully.

    Regards, Jim

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