1937 Summer Tours

The United States was creeping out of the Depression in 1937, which might explain the biggest change from the 1936 Summer Tours booklet. The 1937 edition dropped the “bargain California” tour, which used non-air-conditioned tourist sleepers, and replaced it with two expensive tours of the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and the Canadian Rockies.

Click image to download a 41.4-MB PDF of this 60-page booklet.
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A 19-day Alaska tour cost $302 (about $4,000 today) and included a boat trip up the Inside Passage to Skagway. A 27-day version went instead to Seward and Prince William Sound for $357 (about $4,700 today). Both tours are described only briefly in this booklet, which says a separate booklet was available for Alaska tours.

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